hoplarchus psittacus

  1. ..puSkar..

    TRUE PARROTS. (Hoplarchus psittacus) pics and care.

    So I recently saw a true parrot at a exhibition house, and was amazed how cool they look. I would love to see the specimens kept by fellow mfk members and would also like to know about them. Tank size, max probable size, feeding habits, water parameters, care etc. Thanks ?
  2. Alexxxxsv14

    New Home

    Here's a vid and some pictures of my crew in their new home. Starting to settle in again, stoked. This isn't permanent stock I will sell and trade as they grow and hopefully have my dream stock soon.
  3. Alexxxxsv14

    135g setup

    I will post progress here I still have to work on stand and make sure I have everything for my sump Never have I set up a pump so I will try my best