hoplias lacerdae

  1. T

    ID this Hoplias please

    Hi everyone! Wondering if I could get a couple answers from others on here. I was thinking H. Malabaricus but the more I see the less confident I feel . H. Lacerdae maybe? There is definitely a black line down the side . The big throw off for me is the dorsal fin actually has a dip in the middle...
  2. sunnysjourney

    Slow motion videos of my wolf and tarpons

    Was playing around with slow motion on my phone and here are the results, let me know what you guys think :). The lacerdae: The tarpons:
  3. sunnysjourney

    Hoplias lacerdae "green" Argentina & ATF together...?

    I'm new to wolves guys, I've never had them and I recently got suckered into getting a 7.5" Hoplias lacerdae, green from a buddy of mine (he got it form wes a couple of months ago). My question is: Can I keep this guy with a VATF of the same size..? I tried searching, but since there are soo...