I’ve had this snook for a while and was wondering if anyone could tell me what species this is. Sorry for the poor quality, this fish hides a lot and I haven’t been able to get a better picture recently
I recently purchased this pleco and my local fish store had someone trade it in and no one seems t know what kind it is. Can anyone help me out with identifying this cool looking pleco. These are the best pics I could currently gather. Thanks in advance.
So I got this fish at the fish store and it was sold to me as a polls bichir, it obviously isn’t which is super sad but it also looks much different than all the Senegal’s
I own. It has a bit of mottling throughout his color and his belly is much more yellow that my almost light tan Senegal’s...
Hi, I'm new to the forum! I recently purchased a "Texas" Cichlid from a local pet store but after a few days of being home. It is showing more coloration and characteristics of a flowerhorn? Anyone have any ideas on what species this may be? I'm new to the cichlid hobby, so please excuse my...