
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Channa micro or diplo?

    Hello, can anyone tell the number of caudal rays? I've read that micros has 14 caudal fin rays while diplos have 15 to 17 but I'm not too sure about how to go about counting the rays.
  2. D

    Catfish Identification

    This is a picture from a dealer in China. And it is a little bit like Phalacronotus apogon in its body shape, but its body color remain pied. Is there anyone who have kept this kinda fish in captivity or have known it? Really wanna figure out what kinda fish species it is!
  3. B

    Can anyone confirm this is a Super Red Monkey?

    Hello. I got this guy and was told he was a SRM. He certainly acts like one, constantly biting the glass and acting quite aggressive all the time. The reason I ask is because he is now a year and a half old, 12 inches but has yet to develop that intense dark red color. Will he ever? Is he just a...
  4. B

    I was told this is a Super Red Monkey. Is it?

    Hello. This guy is now about a year and a half old. When I got him I was told he was a Super Red Monkey. He is 12" and definitely acts like a SRM. Im just wondering if he will develop that intense dark red color?
  5. G

    Lapradei ID

    What lapradei variant is this?
  6. MDM21

    Payara Identification

    Hi All, I recently purchased what was labeled as a Payara Armatus from Predatory Fins and wanted opinions if this is correct.From what I can tell from markings behind the gill plate - it is either Armatus or Redtail, but the tail shape is throwing me off. From what I understand, Armatus should...
  7. Jtank

    Datnoid identification

    Just wondering what type of Datnoid this is. TIA!
  8. fishmarket

    Peacock bass ID?

    Sold as temensis but looks like pinima? Please help ID. Also I've read that tems and pinimas are close to each others max size anyway?
  9. L

    Snook ID

    I’ve had this snook for a while and was wondering if anyone could tell me what species this is. Sorry for the poor quality, this fish hides a lot and I haven’t been able to get a better picture recently
  10. Stanv03

    Help ID this bichir please?

    Hellos everyone, I bought this little guy as a Delhezi from my LFS, and he’s around 2.5 inches I believe. I wanted to put him in my 125 Gallon with jack Dempsey and 2 Oscar’s that are all around 4 inches. But as of now I’m growing the bichir out in my 55 with my EBA cichlid and BN Pleco. But...
  11. K

    Help needed to Identify Flowerhorn

    Dear Team, I need your help to identify my Flowerhorn, he is 2.5 Inch in size . I have recently purchased him .
  12. Isaiah75

    Identification Assistance

    Hi, I found this pleco at my local fish store and no one seems to know what it is. It was dropped off to them with little to no info about it. Amy assistance would be greatly appreciated. Photos attached.
  13. E

    Help ID these Bichirs ?

    Can someone help me ID these Bichirs ? Saw them at my LFS and not quite sure which type they are. Thanks in advance !
  14. S

    Hybrid Red Tail? Does anybody know? Pics attached

    This guy was labeled as a Red Tailed Cat, but he has some features that I discovered were different from Red Tails. He has spots running down the side of him, as well as on his dorsal fin. Dorsal fin looks much different in shape as well. His colors are also duller than a typical red tail. He is...
  15. T

    Polypterus ID?

    So I got this fish at the fish store and it was sold to me as a polls bichir, it obviously isn’t which is super sad but it also looks much different than all the Senegal’s I own. It has a bit of mottling throughout his color and his belly is much more yellow that my almost light tan Senegal’s...
  16. R

    Need help identifying rays!!

    Hey guys, need some help identifying these rays! Im new to keeping rays and want to be sure these are pure black diamonds and not just hybrids. I’m purchasing them as pure mid grade bds. I know it can be hard to tell, but any insight would be greatly appreciated ?
  17. V

    Serrasalmus Rhombeus? (identification) + Elongatus

    Hello everyone. Couple of months ago, i bought a Serrasalmus, it was listed as a Diamond Rhom. Knowing there are many variants i'm not 100% sure about it. So if anyone knows what fish is swimming in my tank? Could it be a spilo? Also got myself a Elongatus today, bought in the same store...
  18. rayoddballfish

    Datnoid ID?

    Hey I posted another thread regarding datnoids and angelfish, but I feel like this thread may get me better results for datnoid species identification. Pardon me if I am making too many threads! Can anyone identify this datnoid? I’m a beginner so any tips on how to identify datnoids will be...
  19. Jjiang00

    identification of this awesome bichir?!

    Hi, I came across a spanish youtube video and made an entire account to figure out the identification of this bichir I’ve circled in red: I can’t tell if it is a Delhezi or Endlicheri or maybe even something i’ve never heard of. Anyways, if you could help me id this bichir for my 435 gallon...