
  1. SpinalTea

    Rough housing or disease causing fin problems ?

    I've fallen out of the hobby a little bit and can't remember everything off the top of my head anymore- does this look like an incoming tank-wide illness or some roughhousing ? I'll be taking a bit of water in for a check tomorrow. The first photo is of the smallest bichir that is prone to some...
  2. A

    Need Help

    This morning I woke up and my peacock bass was a goner. The past week I have been treating for ick. i firsted noticed the ick on my shovel nose/rt hybrid which soon spread through the tank. within 2-3 days all ick had clear up from fish and they looked great. This morning I go downstairs and my...
  3. L

    (seemingly) random occurences of dropsy

    Howdy y'all, I have a 20 gallon (long) that had been housing a group of orange von Rio tetras, a couple shultezei midnight corydoras, and a golden gourami. Suddenly, I noticed that the gourami was having a lot of trouble swimming, having to actively point up to get air and survive. Sadly he...
  4. MetalRavioli

    Keyhole Cichlid illness Identification + Treatment

    Hello MFK! I have a 90 gallon tank with a leopard ctenopoma and 6 keyhole cichlids. Two of these cichlids seem to be less dominant, and therefore have not grown much since I purchased them in June. This one in particular however started acting strange recently, and was not very active as all...
  5. N

    Swim bladder flotation device

    Anyone made one before? Was it successful? How is the fish now? Any tips? Our little guy, (Black Moor named Chadwick) developed an unknown illness in December, laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. We did a series of antibiotics and he’s improved to the point we actually think he’s...
  6. O

    Mystery Angelfish Disease

    Long post ahead! But any help is greatly appreciated because I seriously have no idea what to do at this point. My brother and I are both having problems with some newly bought juvenile angelfish. He has 8 (4 from person A, 4 from Person B). I have 9 (4 from Person A, 5 from Person B) in our...
  7. MooseTheWizard

    Jack Dempsey w/ discoloured lump on head

    I noticed this morning that my Jack Dempsey has a discoloured lump on his head. I do not believe this was there last night. Behaviour is normal aside from a bit more rapid breathing. I did a water change a couple of hours ago to make sure things are as clean as can be in there. Tank is a 75g...
  8. F

    My flowerhorn's skin is peeling... i do not know what happened to him

    Recently i have noticed that my flowerhorn's head had a lump rising and i didnt know what it is. After observing for a few days, the lump grew bigger and eventually popped, showing the flesh of the head. There has been already 3 lumps that has grew on my flowerhorn, and i do not know what to do...
  9. A

    Growth on Venustus’ anal fin

    Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I can’t find anything online to help diagnose this issue. My venustus has had this for a few weeks now and it’s gotten bigger. Not sure what it is, and was hoping someone on here can help me determine what it is, and how to cure it...
  10. N

    Comparing products: ich-X, microbeLift, fritz copper safe

    First off thanks to everyone here! We have learned so much in the past 3 years being members! NEED TO COMPARE: Ich-X (can order would arrive feb 14) microbeLift (can order would arrive feb 14-16 fritz copper safe (have) full details and questions: looks like Goldie has ich his buddy the 15”...
  11. F

    My flowerhorn is acting weird

    I have just moved him to a bigger tank around 2 weeks ago. He was doing fine until yesterday after I changed his water and put some algae solution, he has been acting weird since. Could the chemicals cause him to react this way, because in the past when i use the algae solution, he was not...
  12. F

    Help! Is this a parasite or illness?

    I noticed this red “thing” on my African Pikes tail and I don’t know what it is. Can some tell me if this is dangerous? I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’ve attached some images. If anyone knows what this is please help. Thank You.
  13. H

    Nox-Ich Instruction

    Good day, My 3 bettas have Ich and I was told to use the Nox-Ich product. The instruction is clear, yes, but I have some questions: - Do I add drops (drop / gallon) each day during the treatment? - Do I change the water each day during the treatment? Or only at the end of the 3rd day? Thank...
  14. N

    Help. Pleico sick again??!! :-(

    hi I feel like I keep coming back here for help - thank goodness you guys are here My pleico is maybe 6 years old, he’s in a 35 gallon tank on his own and he’s a little over 12 inches long (measure varies through the glass to as much as 13 inches). He’s been staying by the heater towards the...
  15. T

    Growths on Arowana?

    Hoping someone can help me out here. My asian aro has developed these growths towards his tail. I thought it might be fungal growth but its not white like ich would appear, its the same greyish colour as his scales. Any advise on what it could be/how to treat?
  16. DanHOB

    Stingray not eating and acting scared of food?!?!

    I recently lost my hybrid stingray, he stopped eating and was breathing really fast. Literally as soon as he died n my partner got it out of the tank my pearl stingray started acting weird... he swam on his side and sat over an air stone and his breathing slowed dramatically. Since then he is...
  17. Michibi

    Help! Sick African Lungfish!

    Hi everyone! Huuuuuge fish noob and forum noob here please bear with me. I work at a fish conservation lab at my uni and I'm concerned for this lungfish we have. To get straight to the point we have an African lungfish who I haven't seen eat in months (we feed reptile pellets and worms which...
  18. Nativefishkeeper904

    white area around my JD Cichlids eye?

    This white spot showed up on my JD this morning. Is this Normal? I can quarentine him and treat him if I need to. Any suggestions?
  19. D

    Cloudy Eyes - Running Out of Options

    Good afternoon everyone, TLDR; Woke up after moving my arowana to find two of them had cloudy eye that I can't seem to beat. I've tried nearly all the remedies I can think of and looking for more suggestions. Long time lurker, first time poster. I recently got back into Arow's after about a 5...