I recently bought a false jaguar catfish and he is absolutely wicked looking. The only problem is he never shows himself at all. It is frustrating. I know he doesn't eat much because the other fish beat him to it because he is always hiding! I started helping him a little by putting worms into...
So as some of you may know I have a jaguar cat in a 30 gallon 3'x1.5', he's approximately 4-5". With a ery sp Peru 5-6". The jag is the boss of the two. Discus origins has a trachy 7". Would the two be fine together until the trachy grows another inch or two?
Any personal experience with trachy...
Anyone know how fast these fish grow? I know they don't grow to large, but I'm just curious as I plan to keep an ery with it once it gets some size. Right now it's maybe 2-2.5". I figure by the time it's 4" I can add an ery, hopefully it'll be girthy by then. Also, mine has like the block...