I had a question on the remote settings.
I have a 46 gallon bowfront with the 36" current USA led lights.
The tank will have a freshwater angler fish and dozens of giant marimo balls, anubias, java ferns and java moss on driftwood.
Can someone let me know the best settings on the remote and for...
I am gonna try again my luck with plants!
I just bought a couple dozen giant Marimo Moss Balls, a dozen Anubias and a dozen Java Ferns. All low light for a 46 gallon bowfront what is the best led light to purchase and how long should I leave it on?
My options were the finnex plant light...
I am considering real plants in my 29g with EBA,pleco,cory,platys,guppies and a fiddler crab. I have been informed...multiple times....java moss and java fern. How easy are they? Any tips for setup and growth?
I have been gone for a few weeks and I left a light on and when I got back there seems to be now 10 gallons of brown moss growing wild? This would be a dream come true if it were green.Any way to make it turn green?
What is this stuff guys?