king kong parrot

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. All Sev

    Red mammon parrot?

    Guys I need your help on finding my parrot fish
  2. N

    For Sale Flagtail large size 8”, RTC large size 12”, King Kong parrots 5”

    Flagtail 8” $180 King Kong parrot (3) 5” $50 Rtc 12” $80 7146777343 Location: garden grove 92841
  3. C

    Want to Buy Looking to buy larger yellow Mammon Parrot or yellow King Kong Parrot

    Looking to buy a larger yellow Mammon or King Kong parrot please let me know if you or anyone you know has one for sale!! 😀
  4. V

    For Sale King kong parrot

    For sale. About 4 inch. Pick up only in los angeles 90004 . $35. No shipping because i dont know how to ship live goods lol
  5. Ruturaj

    FREE King kong parrot around 4 inches in Redmond WA

    I got three of these to keep worth my flowerhorn, it did not succeed so I moved them to 40 gallon, I think I have 2 males and one female, I like one male the most so I am giving up another male for now and mostly will give away female as well in future.
  6. Hybridfish7

    Blood parrot strain

    I have a big blood parrot, about 10" long. He's also a good 3 inches thick and 6-7 inches tall. He has that trademarked triangular mouth, but he's more of a pink color with black outlined fins. He also has a sort of nuchal hum i guess you could call it- that dip between the head and back on...