
  1. mr cichlid

    Predatory fish up to 2.5 feet

    one-stop-shop for large established predatory tank. All you need is a big aquarium or Pond, LOL. Predator fish up to 2.5 feet in length. Majority of these fish have grown up together. They can be housed with large cichlids and many oddball species. Research what cichlid would be best. -wild...
  2. Ashan Kavinda

    Clown Knife

  3. S

    Senegal bichir tank mates?

    I know this has been asked already, but I wanted some fresh opinions. Could a senegal bichir do well with maybe an elephant nose, african brown knife, or african cichlids? Please answer!
  4. amazontank

    ID this knife

    I was curious on the ID on this knife it's about 6" long! I was thinking it was Afer. Thanks in advance!
  5. adamjavaguy

    my notopterus dead

    i found him trapped between rocks and cant get out. it seem like he was drowned. be careful for those who want to keep this species as they like to hide in a very tight area.
  6. blackbullhead

    Dragon Knife

    Here's a super cool looking wild-caught dragon knifefish, Parapteronotus hasemani from the Amazon River. Really cool light coloration. Most of these get a really dark brown to black color. Sorry the photo is pretty low-res.
  7. F

    5-15-16 Complete stock list.

    Hello everyone, below is the list of what just came in in the past 1-2 week that you guys might be interested, you could always send in request of the fish you want me to bring in :-) I have to apologize for not being active on the forum. Best way is to communicate thru Facebook message and make...