I’ve him for about a week now and have been adding bloodworms/brineshrimp in every night and scooping out uneaten food. Problem is, he seems very interested and eats it only to spit it out 5 seconds later. Everytime he swallows, an air bubble leaves his mouth, he spits the food out as if hes...
I have a rare 8" SB golden clown knife for sale. He's fighting with my other SB knife so one must go. Pick up at 90024, Los Angeles
Text Justin at:
one of my local fish shops has just told me they're getting Arowana Knife fish in this week, but what the hell is an Arowana knife fish?
Ive done some reading and come across them being called marble or pom pom knife fish but is this true?
What I want to know is how big they get, their...
We wanted to thank all of our MFK members who have supported us as well as supported MFK all these years buy giving you guys something in return. So thank you guys!!!
We will be getting in some more stock in the next two weeks including catfish, oddballs, some more piranha species as well as...
Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri)
.75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo
Caribe (Pygocentrus notatus)
3”-4” ON SALE **$65.oo Ea.**
5”-6” ON SALE **$85.oo Ea.**
Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya)
Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri)
.75”-1” SOLD OUT
4”-5” SOLD OUT
Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus)
9”-10” SOLD OUT
Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus)
7”-8” $550.oo Ea.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know we'll be doing some special promotions only available on our Instagram and Snapchat, along with Holiday deals! Just follow us and wait for some savings!
Instagram: Aquascapeonline_
Snapchat: Aquascapeonline