
  1. W

    Larger schooling fish to go in my tank cichlid tank. And do i add more cichlids ??

    I have a 57 gallon tank currently with: 1 Adult Angel. 2 BN plecos. I will be adding: 1 Electric blue acara. 2 kribensis. And some kind of schooling fish. What is a good schooling fish that can live with these fish. I really like rummy nose tetras but they will be a snack for the...
  2. cockroach

    Kribensis Stream Habitat Tank

    Thought I would make a thread as I haven't in ages. This is my 75gal tank that was scaped to replicate a slow stream in the jungle. It is centred around the kribensis as I wanted a group of them as the focal point. In the back left corner is a waterfall made from corrugated plastic board and...
  3. RocketGarStar

    Diamond Tetra VS. Krib Cichlid?

    Okay, so, I've absolutely never seen this before - but I recently just bought a pair (Male and female) of kirbensis cichlids for my 29 gallon community. I have had a school of 6 diamond tetras for since I got the 29 up and running, and the leader of this school is the biggest, flashiest diamond...
  4. IFLAquatics


    So guys we tried to find a girlfriend or at least just a friend to make our male kribensis, Trips, happy or at least give him some company so we got a little kribensis for him because he used to get picked on. We got him a friend and named (her we found out) Tracks. Now when we put her in there...
  5. The Dave

    An amazing video about the Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

    The Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) is probably the easiest cichlid to maintain and breed. In fact, due to their small size ( 3-4 inches / 7.6 - 10 cm ), hardy, adaptable nature, and ease of breeding, this fish is probably the ideal cichlid for anyone that is taking their first steps into...
  6. tarheel96

    Pelvachromis pulcher fry video

    I stitched a few videos together I took of the new kribesis fry last night. They're in a 20 long with six juveniles from two previous clutches. Check out the male's tail. The female beat the crap out of him about a week ago. He wanted to stay in the cave but she wouldn't let him and kept biting...
  7. C

    Can you Keep Kribensis and Geophagus together?

    I've been trying to figure out my last fish for my tank. I want a easy breeding pair of Cichlids, but my tank has South American Geophagus while the Kribensis I am currently looking to get are West African. I've seen people on Youtube keep them together but i do not know if its wise. All i want...