lake tanganyika

  1. zdolla3

    What type of frontosa is this?

    Got this beautiful male 8 inch frontosa today at a local fish auction for $16! Was wondering if anyone had any idea what type of frontosa it is? And tank mate options? I will be putting him alone in a 75g for now. I like unique and predatory fish (eels, bichir, any other cool chiclids, flowerhorn)
  2. Z

    Afromastacembelus frenatus

    Has anyone had any experience keeping these eels with other fish/cichlids? I've researched, and it says they should be good as long as the fish are not overly aggressive or too small. What would classify as "too small"? Is there a general measurement like under 2" is too small? And any others...
  3. C

    For Sale  7 Stripe Kigoma Frontosa

    (6) fish available 1 1/2 to 2 inches. 7 bar Kigoma Frontosa. You can text me at (804)554-6995 for pictures or videos. Thanks
  4. G

    For Sale  Moba F1 almost 2"

    I have many healthy baby moba frontosa fry. Cyphotilapia gibberosa, also known as Blue Zaire. The biggest are approaching 2". They are fat and very voracious feeders - eating flake and frozen brine shrimp. These are from my wild-caught colony. The adult picture is the parent colony. text...
  5. rockarolla70

    Need help to ID the gender of the multifasciatus individuals.

    Hello all, I need a help in identifying these 10 multies gender, these are the ones I have with me past 4 months in my 11 gal Tankanyikan tank specially for multies & 8 of them are either 1 inch or 1.5 inch. I just want to be sure if I have the right balance of male and females. Every pic in the...