• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

lapradei bichir

  1. CMTrey5

    FREE XXL Bichirs

    Group of 11 bichirs, mix of lap & endli all wild caught. Sizes ranging from 16-24” Videos can be sent upon request.
  2. G

    Lapradei ID

    What lapradei variant is this?
  3. rayoddballfish

    Monster planted tank with co2

    Hey guys, I’ve been keeping my 100 gallon planted tank now for over a year now and it houses: - 6x koi angelfish - indo tiger datnoid (5 in) - Nigerian lapradei bichir (14 in) - mystery snails (cleanup) I’ve always been a monster fish and planted aquarium finatic and really want to create a...
  4. Jjiang00

    Bichir id? Nile bichi or Lapradei?

    Hi! Just saw these bichirs listed as senegals for $6 and am pretty sure they arent senegals. What are they? They look lapradei to me but the upper jaw seems more pronounced than the lower jaw? Any id would be helpful thanks!