
  1. M

    Oscar lethargic, not eating, slightly bloated. Need help diagnosing and treating

    I have a ~10 inch Oscar (6yrs old) that has been in excellent health forever. Over the past few weeks he has gradually become more lethargic and in the past week he has stopped eating any food and barely moves. I do weekly water changes of ~25% and have not changed anything in the aquarium. He...
  2. A

    Sick betta, anchor worm management

    Hello! Recently my betta (Monet) has been lethargic, hanging out at the bottom, propping herself up on gravel, not interested in doing much of anything. She'll eat at food when it's near her, but will hardly bother to come to the top for it. I've checked her over and she's breathing slowly, in a...
  3. J

    Help! My rope is dying!

    I have a senior rope fish (I've had her for 10 years, no idea how old she was when I got her) who is suffering! I pulled her out of my 55 that I just finished a salt/heat treatment for ich in. As of last night, around midnight, she's been lethargic and when she does swim she's without...