live plants

  1. A

    Setup for 100 Gallon with Common Pleco

    Hi! I’m upgrading to a 100 gallon for my 13” common pleco soon! (Footprint 5’ long) I’m looking at adding live plants, but I’m not sure what substrate to get. Any ideas for tankmates? I’m open to anything that won’t breed. He’s lived with a pair of angelfish before with no problems. Also...
  2. H

    Holy crap this guy built a giant cichlid aquarium

    So this aquarium is definitely crazy, but what I really liked and want to do is keep live plants with my Oscars, Dempsey, Vieja and Lima. Currently I have them in a 180 and my Oscars always destroy my attempt at live big of a tank would I need for them to leave them alone?
  3. A


    Can anyone verify what type of deficiency my plants are suffering from? I'm leaning towards potassium but am not sure. I use the EI method with with GH booster. I also use seachem flourish Excel daily and API plant food once a week after water changes. I recently upgraded to a 30 gallon tall...
  4. B

    Paludarium plants

    Looking for plant suggestions that would do good in a high humidity environment. I was thinking vivarium plants but unsure. It is for a land portion of a 80% water paludarium that is sealed(no grow out possibility). So a max of 6 inches height is preferable.