
  1. Nano Vanisher

    My lemon Ancistrus albino pleco pair birthed all black BN

    I thought breeding 2 lemon BN would give me at least some albinos but all I got were black some lighter but definitely not albino, didn't even get one to line breed. You have similar results or can this happen? Going to try a different male next time.
  2. E

    Julidochromis marlieri pairing?

    I bought four Marlier's Julie juveniles in hopes of getting a mating pair. (Yes, I know the chances are slim but that's all I could get.) At what size do they start pairing off? And are there are any distinctive behaviours that a mating pair will exhibit? Besides the obvious ones like hanging...
  3. M

    Clownfish Pairing?

    What are some normal habits of pairing clownfish? I currently have one slightly larger frostbite ocellaris and one smaller frostbite ocellaris. They were introduced today, I bought one a week ago and bought the other this week from the same tank at the same place. The larger one seems to like...
  4. viper0397

    Retic and Hystrix.

    My male rsetic trying to mate with my female hystrix. Kind of hoping he does get the job done. Would love to see how the pups turn out.
  5. M

    Yellow Labs are like bunny rabbits!

    So, we have a harem of yellow labs and obviously, very well know what could happen with male and female fish. However, we are not trying to actively breed our fish. Our smallest yellow lab female was "pregnant" about a month ago. We didn't notice right away and misjudged the time of the eggs...
  6. A

    Amazon catfish problems

    Hello, I have a RTC, HTSN and a TSN which are all 1.5ft in length and are 5 years old in a 6000L pond. The problem is my HTSN attacked my TSN leaving torn fins and multiple bruises, which led me to remove the stressed out TSN to my indor tank which is 10ft and (The TSN refuses to eat for 2...
  7. The Dave

    The Breeding Displays Of The Endler / Guppy Hybrid ( amazing video )

    Hello everyone, I breed N-Class Endlers ( Black Bars) and Guppy / Endler hybrids. Does anyone here keep these fish? I have N-class Endlers in one room and guppy hybrids in another. When I have to cull N-class fish, I put them in my hybrid tanks, and the results are amazing. They are very...
  8. R

    Can geo red heads breed with winemilleri

    Hey I believe I have a few winemilleri in my tank as well due to LFS error. I want to know if these guys can breed with red head tapajos. I am pretty sure that they can so if anyone knows please inform me so that I can start separating the heard. That or I will have geo winos later this year for...
  9. viper0397

    This girl has had enough!

    I think this girl is tired of the male chasing her around! lol
  10. Mark Pogarasteanu

    my first Flowerhorn sexing, pairing and breeding experience

    Hi. I want to share with you a fun flowerhorn story. About 7-8 months ago, I bought what appeared to be a ZZ fader, which turned out to be male, and about a month ago, a ZZ female. male: female: Actually, sexing the male was a bit of a challenge, since when I got him, I was told he was a...
  11. jettefrances17

    Bd female mating with 2 different males

    5 minutes after taking the divider out of the tank and less than 12 hours after giving birth.