Hello all,
I am worried I actually poisoned my precious MBU puffer.
Quick stats: 400 gallon tank plus sump
Daily 10% water changes with a large water change every weekend
Water parameters are pristine and tested regularly.
My MBU puffer is 12 months old and approximately 16" in length. It...
Need gone asap. Only 200 for him. 20" and very personable. For more photos go to @Martinfishkeepers on instagram.Only selling because i want my tank to go only south american. My zipcode is 89179. To better reach me email me at randymartin326@gmail.com and no I cannot do shipping
Hi guys!
The MBU puffer is about 2 years old. He has grown big in his 65 gallon tank. He lives with a dinosaur bichir and a Jack Dempsey. He will be relocated to a bigger tank soon, although his tank mates are peaceful with each other. pH is 7.4, ammonia and nitrites - 0, nitrates are 5-10. The...
His display tank is 270 gal with a 180 sump. No other fish in tank. He's about 12-14 inches at the moment. 78F water temp. 5ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite.
Was doing a water change and found this thing on his back. I don't want to just throw medicine in the tank and hope for the best...
*** This list is a work in progress that requires some fine tuning and possible updating. So as updates are made the title will be updated with a new version number at the end.
Table of contents:
(click on the title to fast track to the required descriptions)
- Introduction to Puffers
Love tot a juv enile min buffer die 6weeks nog and noties yesterday he had. Red little marking wounds they look like little holes in his belly.
Also he's skinny always have been.
Arts live shrimps, snails, and earthworms.
i stopt giving earthworms for two weeks now, becaus after dinner he...