
  1. M

    teugelsi bichir with dead fin

    Hello all! It would appear my 2nd smallest teugelsi bichir has been nipped quite visciously by one of my other bichirs last night and I was wonder if this damage is going to be permanent or of it will heal up good with care, I have a larger teugelsi that got his pectorals removed when he was...
  2. C

    alternative medicine (around me) which?

    I'm holding methlyne blue, and aquarium salt. will buy dropsy fix(or epsom salt) as fish just got infected one eye. Immediately do a water change (as yesterday do weekly water change) but missing the other medicine. before that, what alternative medicine & for universal use? (prepare, future...

    Refrigerating Medicine + Medicated Food

    Hi everyone, I have 2 questions I figured I'd lump into one thread 1) Can medicine be stored in the fridge to extend its shelf life? The suppliers where I live are very unreliable so I have to stock up whenever they have them. Does medications like Levamisole, Praziquantel, Fenbendazole etc...
  4. Jakec96

    Ram cichlids with ich

    Hi all! I have a 30 gallon tank with a pair of German Blue Rams, 25 (ish) Neon Tetras, and 1 Powder Blue Gourami. For filtration I'm using 2 AC 50s and 1 AC 30. Heating with the new version of Aqueon pro set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank is newly setup maybe a few weeks but is completely...
  5. P

    Quarantine prodedure for freshwater?

    Hey so I've recently started researching a Oscar tank however moving from saltwater what changes quarantine wise? My current idea is copper up to 2ppm for 2 weeks, freshwater dip and trisulphate for bacteria. Would these work in freshwater two? The fish I was looking to quarantine are an Oscar...
  6. islandguy11

    Best Medicine for Monster Fish? (and it's natural/herbal based)

    First let me clarify a couple of things: a) Fortunately few of the fish I have owned have faced serious health issues in the past, so I'm not at all an expert or even well-versed when it comes to medicines and treatments, which I have mostly viewed with some skepticism and only used when...
  7. Y

    Question on treating for internal parasites

    hi all, I am new here and relatively new to the hobby. I’ll start by saying if this is posted somewhere already please let me know and I’ll carry on in that thread but couldn’t find anything for what I’m asking. I have 2 Gt’s in a 55 gallon tank, all my water parameters are checked...
  8. L

    Blood Parrots- PoP eye & Not eating at all - Help please

    Hello, post looking at the information available on this forum, i am fairly confident and feeling lucky that valuable advise would be given for my fish problem/s. I looked at the list of Treatments and is such a valuable information for the people with the hobby. Coming to the tank details and...
  9. PatrickMW36

    Need Help. possible issue with euthanasia

    Hello my Gar was injured a few weeks back, Ive been caring for him in hopes he would recover. Unfortunately Hes taken a turn for the worse and I might have to put him down. I was going to buy some clove oil to have on hand In case He continues to worsen. I cant find anything on how clove oil...
  10. The Mother Confessor

    Can anyone recommend a White Spot treatment that doesn't contain dye

    I have some extra large mangrove roots, which are absolutely essential in my tank. If I removed them all hell would break loose, the caves and holes the wood provides are essential to keeping my fish calm, and I can't remove them to use my usual treatment should an outbreak of White Spot occur...