midas cichlid

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    Want to Buy Amphilophus Citrinellus / Midas Cichlid Female

    Looking for a female to go with my 10" male if someone is willing to ship to Michigan or can pickup if local. 48088. Ty!
  2. Ichthioguy

    What are your favorite Amphilophus species?

    I have to be a little biased here but here is my amphilophus xiloaensis.
  3. B

    FREE Midas x Redhead for sale

    About 10 inches long pick up only
  4. O

    For Sale Midas cichlid

    Selling a White Midas cichlid from COTA. I haven't vent it but believe to be male. He's about 7" selling him for $60 If interested text me at (714) 584-9391
  5. J

    Blood Parrot.

    I have a 12” male BP, someone has now spiked my interest on what he may be a cross of. He suggest a Synspilum x Midas. Does anyone have an idea? I currently have a female who has laid (not the first time either of my 2 females have laid eggs) and it’s now day 4 of them not molding or turning...
  6. Shape of Water

    For Sale Jardini, Midas, Oscar, Redtail Catfish For Sale

    Jardini: $200 Color: Beautiful greenish gold color Length: 12” He lost one eye during shipping. But, it is all healed. It does not effect his overall health. Diet: anything from pellet to frozen. Not a picky eater at all. Red Tiger Oscar: $50 each Length: 9-10" Diet: anything from pellet to...
  7. C

    And I thought Dovii and Flowerhorns were unstoppable!?!

    Sad videos, but really shows what can happen if a Piranha and cichlid ever fought for territories! Frightening, I worry the Flowerhorn is blind, did it's eye get bit?? Poor dovii too. How often do you think this happens in the wild? I always thought dovii's and Amphilophus are top dogs of the...
  8. C

    For Sale Amphilophus Labiatus

    Lago Nicaragua Isle Zapatera best Devils around. THE REAL DEAL! Last time spawning the champion
  9. B

    Red Devil Breeding

    Helllloooo, I have two pretty large red devil cichlids, both vented, one male about 11 inches and one female about 9-10 inches. Both fish have been making caves and cleaning rocks and surfaces, but still have yet to lay eggs, I’m keeping them at 80 degrees and they have a 150 gallon tank to...
  10. C

    Amphilophus Labiatus sp.Zapatera Isle

    1 inch 4 weeks old Red Devil galore gonne have to feed some of them to the Umbee
  11. J

    My red devil is being super weird!

    I’ve had my red devil four two months now, and he is about 5-6 inched long and I’ve had him for two months. He has a huge personality and is super aggressive (he always bites me bad) and was super active swimming in all areas of the tank until now. I’ve tested my water and the nitrates were a...
  12. K

    Midas Cichlid

    Hello I have this beautiful Midas Cichlid and I need to sell her sadly, can anyone on here help me price her right? Shes is great health, eats wonderfully, is roughly 6/7 inches long and has a spunky personality :) Also did I sex this flowerhorn correctly, is my Tangerine a female? Thanks a bunch!
  13. Dgmannn412

    Hybrid sexing and id

    This is my big orange fish. It is 4 years old. It has been alone in a 75 gallon tank since the day it killed everything in the water. I have tried both bigger and smaller red devils Midas and undesirable flowerhorn of both male and female with no success. It will relentlessly chase and kill...
  14. rs12178

    Jeff Rapps 'Gold Barred' Amphilophus Citrinellum

    Hi Everyone, First post. Just got these guys from Jeff Rapps. Ordered 6 and he sent 7. Been wanting to get Midas cichlids for a long time, but could never find any that weren't hybrids. I had a 12" white Midas Cichlid several years ago that I lost due to a "feeding accident". Have been wanting...
  15. Tyler_Wentworth_150

    Needs a name, in the mean time... pictures :)

    F1 costa rican midas from Dan at cichlidsoftheamericas.com
  16. I

    Midas question

    So I'm considering purchasing a Midas from someone. It's been in a 55 gallon and is 3 years old. Around 8 inches. Do you think that it could be stunted? What would I look for to see if it is? And do you think it would grow in a larger tank (120 gallons)?
  17. Twonvito

    Red sided Barred midas

    Good evening Mfk, I just wanted to share my F1 'red side barred' midas from population collected at Siquirres, Costa Rica. She is now 4.5 - 5". I believe my male honduran red point helped her kill my male.
  18. baxtor_lex

    New Hybrid Midas/Devil X Vieja

    Hi guys! Iv been out of the hobby now for quite some time but decided to snag myself a 5 foot tag, so when I went to get some fish, (Iv generally had cichlids or flowerhorns in the past) I saw a tank full of what I believe to be Red Devil X Synspilum. I think that the breeder perhaps tried...
  19. rdKirby

    My Midevil Turned 3

    Just wanted to post a couple pics of my midevil and how far he's progressed in the three years that I've had him. This was my first aggressive fish purchase and I couldn't be happier...of course I'd like him to have a couple tank mates but he decided he liked being an only fish. Anyways, enjoy...