
  1. mattybecks

    Marine Molly Community

    Hi Guys, I have had a marine molly community for a week now. I have kept other fancy marine fish, corals, anemones before, but decided to sell everything and just do some something simple and easy. Tank is 150L. Lights are cheap 2 USD each LEDS. Using a canister filter (sunsun304B, 2000LPH)...
  2. A

    My molly was hit on a rock, now warts appear on the wound. What disease is this?

    Hello guys, I'm new here. I started in the aquarium world only 3 years ago. I try to unite a lot of fish in my aquarium and many plants. This has been very difficult as algae comes with this combination. But I'm trying. My molly was hit on a rock, made a wound. Two weeks later the wound...
  3. Hybridfish7

    can mollies be used as dithers for cichlids in the convict complex?

    If you know me, you know I get a lot of fish tank ideas. 1. bamboo forest tank with panda butterfly goldfish, budget at $400 so not anytime soon for me 2. discus tank (I'm gonna wait till my BP passes and 'frees up the space' for that in my 55. I can't house him with anything other than the plec...
  4. Hybridfish7

    molly and guppy hybrids?????? muppies? gollies?

    Anyone know anything on these? I think they're pretty cool, and some turn out to be pretty cool: I wonder what a nebula steel guppy crossed with an marbled molly would turn out to be. I just question how a male molly gets it 'done'... same with a male guppy... I'm here questioning this yet no...
  5. MidnightRyuu

    FTS | Gold dust Lyretail Molly Babies | $4 each | Phoenixville,Pennsylvania | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Gold dust Lyretail Molly Babies What are your prices?: 4 each Where are you located?: Phoenixville,Pennsylvania Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Mollies are about an inch long and 3-4 months old.They have all...
  6. Fishpony

    Baby Molly runt?

    So in my molly colony tank, which I have a huge amount of fish, all coming for 4 adults (2 males 2 females, one male has passed). One of my female gave birth about 1 1/2 month ago, and I could only rescue ten babies, and this was back when it was a community tank with some tetras. 9 of the...