mouth disease

  1. S

    White areas on top of mouth - Buenos Aires Tetras

    So I noticed this on one of my Tetras before moving to the new tank. I don't think the new tank is the issue. I thought it could be from fighting, or an injury. They are active, eating and acting normal. Now, in the new tank, I noticed it on another Tetra. I could have missed it originally, so I...
  2. B

    Need Mouth Rot Help

    We noticed our one fish may have mouth rot. Do we need to separate it into another tank? We have 5 fish in a 60 gallon saltwater tank. Looking on advice as we are not quite sure. We have had this tank for 3 years and are still fairly newbies at caring for it. All water tests came back ok. The...
  3. N

    Pacu Mouth Disease; Please Help!

    Hi, Last week I saw a beat-up pacu at my LFS with mouth injured. I decided to heal him so I brought him home for medication. I used both melafix and primafix daily trying to get him improve. The water temperature is around 83 degrees. In the first 3 days, he still ate, but since the fourth day...