
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. J

    Transporting large arowana

    Hi all does anyone have any advice for transporting South American arowana that are 20”+ over long distances
  2. M

    Any anti-sloshing ideas for transporting fish via car?

    I am moving this Friday (~6.5 hrs) and transporting my 9 inch Oscar. I have a 35gal Rubbermaid tote with lid as well as a battery powered air stone. I am mostly worried about the effects of sloshing on the safety of my fish. Does anyone have experience with this type of move or have any ideas...
  3. The-Almighty-Zugs

    Moving Help - Need Advice on Moving Piranha

    So I am creating this thread preemptively because in about a year or more I will be moving to an apartment. Right now I plan on getting a Piraya Piranha and a 160 Gallon (96Lx24Wx16H) tank. If I'm able to pick up this 12 incher that is for sale in my area I will be doing so. The problem is that...
  4. GraveyardHound

    Transporting Arowana

    Hi There! I am currently in the process of moving, and that includes my entire collection of fish and reptiles. It is about an 8 hour drive from point A to point B. I have everything mostly figures out. My LFS has kindly offered to fill my bags of fish with oxygen before I leave. However, I...
  5. Bich

    Please HELP! Needing to move fish!

    I want yalls advice on something I’ve been considering all week. I’ll try to make this short and to the point. In my 50 gallon tank, I have 2 4”ish severums by themselves. They have attempted to lay eggs, but are never successful. They have been alone for about a month and previously were with...
  6. Kaptain Kirk

    Thinking about moving my discus....

    They could fit in a 55 realistically.....
  7. H

    Moving fish to different country

    Hey guys, I am moving back to my country this july, and want to take my fish with me. Not really worried about my two oscars, i know how hardy they are but im really worried about my Jardini. its about 8-10" right now and i was thinking about putting them in about a 60 litre plastic holding...