
  1. Gourami Swami

    For Sale  Nano reef 10g for sale w/ all coral fish and equipment

    Hello MFK, I had recently downsized my reef due to my career, and now I am having to move to a smaller apartment closer to the train, to make the commute into NYC easier. So now I am sadly looking to sell my reef and get out of the game for the moment. I am looking to move it ASAP, so I am...
  2. B

    Building a nano tank

    Give me ideas of designs and filtration because I want to make a bomb a** tank with built in filter and light any ideas and I want it to be ad sleek as possible Hit me with everything
  3. Bonytang

    zacco, fin rot + new treatment

    Few shots of the zacco with a little fin rot in the new 40g nano community in the works.. - zacco - goldie - opsarichtys evolans - t barb - spinibarbus denticalus - 2 x clown loach Noticed the tail rot a few months ago & used magna salt & helped quite a bit. With the nano tank I haven't used...
  4. ukgoffer

    Clearing out some extra fish stuff

    Time to clear it out. I’m a big fan of eheim canisters. I’ve got an XL that runs my 240g and can do it solo with only a small weekly WC. They are easy to service. Eheim 2217 - up to 159 g. 264 gph flow. 8”x8”x16”. $30 Eheim 2213 - up to 55 g. 116 gph. $25 Eheim Ecco 2232 - up to 35 g. 132...
  5. GamerChick5567

    Teeny Tank Ideas?

    Hey guys. I recently found these 2 nano tanks on the curb for freeeee! Someone's poor giant pleco and goldfish must have died... RIP in peace :eek:. They seem like they are walmart mini tank kits. I think I found the links to the correct ones here. The big one has pretty cool pimp lights...
  6. J

    What happens when an anemone outgrows its tank?

    I am thinking of setting up an anemone tank. I might use a 10 gal I have or a cookie jar or maybe a wine bottle on its side. I understand the need for sump, skimmer & flow, I want to know what will happen when the anemone outgrows the tank? Will it be sad, die, or just stop growing? Can I frag...
  7. T

    Thoughts on my 10 gal south florida native tank idea?

    So, I live in south Florida where I wouldn't consider posting this to a coldwater tank, but I am trying to specialize with natives, so, here I go! Around my area is a beautiful little pond that was made from fill. South Florida has a lot of these fill ponds where the HOAs have dug...