nano tank

  1. Michael2019

    15 Gallon Stock Suggestions

    Okay so, I recently got a 15G. It's 55cm by 30cm by 35. What I've already planned is that I'll be having fine gravel on the bottom and it's going to be heavily planted, with some wood too, I'll be using ferts and root tabs as well. The water parameters generally are: 10-14 dGH (Hard to...
  2. clm08k

    considering starting a shrimp tank

    Hello, I have a 6gal Fluval edge that is currently salt. Previously it housed a fire shrimp for 2 year. I am debating on switching to a freshwater tank for crystal red shrimp. I have a couple of questions though: 1. the pH of the water here is 7.8...would the shrimp survive even with drip...
  3. clm08k

    6 gallon nano/pico

    Hello, I have a 6 gallon Fluval Edge. It has been running for 2 years with a fire shrimp and live rock. Recently, the tank crashed, so I am having to start over. The tank reeks right now despite a 100% water change, new sponge media, carbon and good scrubbing. I kept the sand bed, the rocks, and...
  4. N

    New Tank Mates Need Help

    I just bought two cpo crays for my nano tank, I have one male and one female. The tank size is 10g and I’ve read on here that they need hiding spots. I have tons of spots for them to hide such as kola logs, live plants, pots, and morimo balls. My problem is that I only see one, will they hide a lot?
  5. GamerChick5567

    How long will it take to cycle an almost 2 gallon?

    Anyone know if you will be able to keep the parameters in check long enough for a cycle to complete on a tank that small? It's a bit of an emergency. My fiance's mom has fry issues haha. Basically what happened was that she now has a tiny albino african cichlid of some type (I'm thinking red...
  6. G

    Rimless 10/20 Gallon Nano tank with Eurobrace Safe?

    I have a 10 and 20 Gallon tank sitting around in my garage and I've always wondered if I could rip the cheap black rim off (it looks really bad IMO) and Eurobrace it with some spare acyrlic so it looks rimless, I've considered just not bracing it at all. I've seen other people have some success...
  7. xDestro

    Nano lionfish idea

    I am just now setting up my freshwater tank and have never really had a thing for marine but I love lionfish and puffers, I recently learned that there's such thing as a dwarf lionfish and was wondering how much goes into a saltwater tank? Because I was thinking about getting a 20 gallon later...
  8. xDestro

    Nano tank idea

    So I was thinking about pulling out the old 1 gallon tank and having a few live plants and shrimp and maybe a tetra or 2 in there just for something on my dresser. Would a 1 gallon be doable or maybe just get a newer 5 gallon? Also what kind of filtration even goes on a nano tank? And is there...