
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    Making sure I do this right.

    I'm pretty new to this and I want to make sure I do it right the first time. Everywhere I go online I find different answers. Anyways, I am planning to put 2 blood parrots in my 75gallon tank along with 2 firemouths. Will the grow too large and become cramped or is that a decent set up? Thank...
  2. A

    New - Stock my 190 gallon

    Hey everyone. I need some advice stocking my new 190gal. Ive been reading on this site for years, now i need your help! I have been a fishkeeper for 8 years. I have kept a little bit of everything, in the last couple of years i have been into American Cichlids. I currently have: 1 Cuban cichlid...
  3. Bassmaster360

    Which of these 2 flowerhorn would you get?

    I'm trying to decide between two ~4" flowerhorn (see pics below). It's really a coin-toss for me at this point. Which one would you get and why? I only have space for one so don't say both haha. I think both are very high quality and possible masterpiece/champion material depending on how...
  4. F

    Floating Bichir

    hello everyone, I've recently got a bichir and he is looking pretty sick. He was fine, eating swimming etc until today when I noticed him floating up the top. I tried feeding and that helped for a little bit but he's back up there. What can I do
  5. W


    my crayfish is preagnant... I have removed the name I can see the babies eyes so how many more days should I expect till the showdown??And what precautions should I take?? Plz help and support
  6. N

    Tank mates

    I posted this under setup, hoping for some more answers on tank mates etc sailfin and pleco shared 120g tank. Other parameters on the original post...
  7. F

    120 Gallon Stocking

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a 4x2x2 (120g/450l) And i'm not sure what to put in it. I have a firemouth cichlid that has to go in it but i dont really want a "community tank" so to say. My ideal stocking would be 2: Firemouth 3: Pictus Cats 1: Firemouth 1: Oscar Tbh i really want a large...
  8. Daniel36

    Flowerhorn eye? Should I worry?

    My flowerhorn has some discoloration on one of his eyes and I’m not sure what I should do or if it’s even something I should be worried about. It doesn’t seem to affect his behavior or appetite but I’m concerned. Any advice is much appreciated. If the picture is not adequate I would describe it...


    I just got this fellow today. He's a baby Eurasian Jay. curios little thing I know he needs a bit of cleaning but I just brought him in, he's about 5-6 weeks old. Yeah and don't worry he's farm raised not wild, they don't even exist in my region.
  10. Bluesandtwo

    110G SA Riparium Build

    I wanted to try something new and give a riparium a go. Firstly I wanted something a bit more natural looking with another dimension. Secondly I wanted some greenery but have SD's... so no joy growing anything under the water!! It's all trial and error, early stages. But I wanted to share with...
  11. J

    Floor recommendations for room

    Hello everyone. I plan on getting a 75-125 gallon aquarium later this year for my personal room, but plan on changing my floors from carpet to something else first. I was wondering what others recommend. I am looking for something that is okay with water and a large dog. Thanks
  12. J

    Advice on Green Terror for new American Cichlid owner

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and rather new to aquariums and fish as a whole. I’ve had cichlids for about a year and a half now. I had mainly Africans but due to me moving I’ve sadly lost all but 2 of my Africans due to the stress of it all (luckily they left a surprise behind them with 4 fry that...
  13. Zak03

    Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I got a 40-gallon tank with 2 baby Oscars (tiger and red) and 1baby sun catfish (aka eclipse catfish). I know, the tank will be too small eventually, but I plan on moving them into a bigger tank-75 gallons or possibly more-when the Oscars get bigger. I am new to both...
  14. S

    New to salt. Stock ideas.

    So I’ve been keeping freshwater since I was a small child (father bred angels, Uncle bred Oscars and before I was born, prize winning lionfish). Currently have over 2,000 gallons worth of FW tanks. I’ve never done salt water at all, but I’ve got a good grasp on equipment. Just clueless on...
  15. L

    Keeping Sturgeon in Aquarium

    Hi there, I would like to become a monster fish keeper in the near future. It is my dream to have sturgeon, however, is it even possible to keep them in an aquarium their whole life? I have done some research, and noticed that shovel nose sturgeon stay relatively small (three feet or less). Is...
  16. D

    Bichir tank setup.

    Hello all! I'm new here and while having owned aquariums for many years, I am new to Bichir. I have a 150 gallon tank and am trying to figure out what to stock it with. I have 4 angelfish and most likely will add one or two more. I would like to get 3-5 clown loaches, and 2-3 Bichir, a BGK...
  17. T

    Setting up 150g with 55g sump

    Hi every one I am new here and this my first post. So I’m planning on setting up a 150 gallon aquarium with a 55 gallon as a sump underneath it. I have been into the hobby for about a year now and this would be my first big setup with sump. I would really appreciate any tips on what pump to use...
  18. Y

    My flowerhorns stay at the bottom and wont move from each other!!

    So i bought a new flowerhorn, the one on the left, built them a divider but ever since i put it in they wont move from that spot is there something wrong with my flowerhorns ? If they do move they stay at the bottom. Been 24 hours since i've put them together. PH is at 7.2, Nh3 and NH4 is...
  19. Mvrenko

    65 gallon fish tank_Peacock Cichlid

    Hello! I am interested in setting up a tank 65 gallon peacock cichlid tank. How many males can I fit in a 65 gallon (18.4"L x 36.4"W x 25"H) with the right up-keep? Would adding females to the tank create too much aggression? Thanks in advance for them help.
  20. M

    New to fish mania

    Hi all Is there anyone willing to take me on/mentor me? I have very little real knowledge - I inherited a fish tank and am teaching myself. I want to breed bettas /siamese fighters... but first I want to establish myself and my tanks - I'm in no hurry. Do it right, ya know? I bought my first...