new aquarium

  1. nickzaver92

    Moving fish from a smaller aquarium to a much larger one.

    Hi everyone, I was hoping for some advice on my situation. I currently have a 40b that's been established for as long as I can remember, and is being used as a grow out for my 3 Goliath tigerfish. They are juvies (about 3"), very healthy, eat anything and everything that hits the water. Water...
  2. cafeiguana

    Next project 600 gallon aquarium

    This is my new aquarium in a night club in Monterrey Mexico. Café Iguana. I am working on the background tile work.
  3. N

    Tank ready for pleco???

    Originally posted under setup I need help with upgrading the tank for my 15” pleco and his goldfish pal. tank is cycled (I think) but I’m thinking a tank to tank move- please read the thread here and give me suggestions...
  4. M

    Help with 90 gallon tank

    hey guys I want to set up a 90 gallon tank as a non aggressive community tank, I think I want to keep it South American mostly and I want to add a black ghost knife fish some stiphodon goby and a school of fish probably some kind of tetra, I was wondering if I would be able to put in some...
  5. P

    75 gallon stock idea's

    Howdy y'all, My name is George, I'm new to the site, but not fish keeping. I had a 75 gallon tank with a pair of adult green terrors in college and a 220 with a few Oscars and a JD. It's been about seven years, but my sister just gave me her boyfriends 75 gallon tank so I'm going to clean it...
  6. F

    In need of advice.

    Hey all. Recently I purchased my very first tank (second hand) and this past week have been busy researching everything I could find about keeping tropical fish - I'm looking for some advice on whether or not my equipment is enough to handle my set up and which fish I should buy for my first...
  7. E

    Need advice on first saltwater/reef tank

    I hoping to set-up my first saltwater aquarium within the next month and need some advice on tank size. I'm looking at two options right now: a 10 and a 30 gallon. I definitely want some soft corals and ocellaris (more than two if possible). One or two other fish species, such as a goby or...
  8. R

    Not Testing Water Before Housing Fish

    I was told that i didn’t need to test the water before housing fish in a new freshwater aquarium - so I haven’t been able to test the ammonia, nitrite or nitrate levels yet, however I have placed fish in the aquarium. I added Fluval products like water conditioner and biological enhancer before...
  9. R

    Black Ghost Knife Fish - Split Fin?

    I recently bought a BGKF and the long fin below has a few splits in it? I bought it like this and it was in a bit of PVC pipe when I selected it - I have ordered a few hideouts for my fish who hide - but is this a normal occurrence in BGKFish or could this be a condition eg fin rot? please help...
  10. D

    Help with new Aquarium Sump (Identify this sump please!?)

    I just bought a 110 gallon acrylic aquarium from craigslist. Its a restore job, but i got a great deal. It came with a sump. I know how to restore the acrylic, but i have never had a sump before. I watched a million videos on youtube on sumps, but i cant figure out what kind this is. The baffles...
  11. P

    2500+ gal concrete tank HELP

    I am a building contractor and am about to build my own home(again) and want to do something different in the living room. My idea is to pour 8" thick re-bar reinforced walls 8' tall x 3' deep and 14' wide for a fish tank. I have access for 6' x 10' 2" thick acrylic for a viewing window in the...
  12. K

    Need Canister Filter Advice

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and would like some suggestions on the best cost- effective canister filters for a 60 gallon goldfish tank. (: I currently have 3 common goldfish in a 29 gallon and I'm running an aquaclear 50 on it. The fish have become massive in the one year that I've had...
  13. Mvrenko

    Ram tank-over crowding

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon ram tank with 3 angle ram (about 1 inch), 3 German blues (1/2 inch) and 1 Bolivian (about 3/4 inch). They are all fairly young rams. I am curious to know if I'm over crowding the tank. Just looking for some information. I have about 2 pairs in the tank as of right now...
  14. S

    Bio balls, 24-hour water & 1 month prior fish conditioning

    Twenty years ago when I wanted to set up an aquarium the methods used then are outdated probably. Back then after the tank is filled the water it's left to sit for 24 hours so the __________ would evaporate. I don't remember what was supposed to evaporate. After the rocks are added you get a...
  15. R

    Upgrading my lungfish tank! Posting my photos here. Advice and suggestions are more than welcome

    I bought my African lungfish from a pets tore I worked at, he was so small compared to him now. I got him at 7 inches, and he has doubled I size and weight! Currently he is in a 29 gallon breeder (36 * 12 * 12), I know it's way too small for him. So I went and bought 90 gallon setup, for a...
  16. OtterSocks

    90 gallon stocking/setup suggestions anyone?

    Hey guys, I'm new here as of today. I am going to be buying a 90 gallon tank soon, upgrading from my biggest tank being 25 gallon. Naturally I am hoping to get into keeping some monster fish. I filled out my bio with some info about my past experience if you're interested. I am hoping I could...