
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    Flowerhorn aggression or illness

    Hello guys, my female flowerhorn is kinda weird I often see her swimming like a big boss with her mouth open and body shaking side to side kinda like she's challenging a non existent fish to battle. Then she takes all that out on the filters lol, leaving her scales kinda flaking off and bumped...
  2. F

    Overhead Sump Filter Media Setup for 75 Gallons

    Hi, I recently got my 5 slot overhead sump for my filtering on my 75 gallons and I have the following filter medias: Filter pad/cotton for the first slot, k1 filter media on the second, lava rings for the 3rd, and ceramic rings for the 4th. I actually tested my water on my overhead sump's 3rd...
  3. F

    Help on Natural Tanning for my HBRTG.

    Hi! I am new to fish keeping and some of the videos I watched from YouTube about HBRTGs are nice looking and I also checked Google and I have come across this image: I have a 1 year and 4 months old HBRTG and so far, it was already tanned by the pet shop where I bought it and I was wondering if...
  4. F

    Datnoid and Arowana Eye Symptoms

    Hi all. I just started this hobby last January and I am worried about my siamese datnoid and HBRTG's eyes. My HBRTG's eyes have suddenly developed green colors behind their eyes and my datnoid's eyes become all whitey/cloudy. I am not sure if my datnoid is blind because when I am feeding it, it...
  5. LBDave

    Newbie Feeder - Not Really

    Hello MFK people. Very glad to join this world wide group. I have had fish for almost 50 years but my investment in time and money has varied. I worked in a tropical fish store when I was 13 and at times actually ran the register and the store. At 13. Needless to say I have had practically...
  6. O

    Newbie to Oscars

    Hey guy, im a fairly new fish keeper. I recently lost my chocolate cichlid and have decided to pick up a tiger oscar. Hes only abount an inch and a half currently. I was thinking of doing a black water setup for him. Has anyone tried this and have some tips youd be willing to share? Also i...
  7. F

    crayfish problem.

    Hi ! i'm new here, i stumbled across this website as I was looking for a solution or an explanation to an "issue" with my both male and female scarlet crayfish . I bought them roughly a week ago, i'm not an expert but, they seemed ok, and I added ladder for them to climb up to the surface. only...
  8. L

    Hi from SA

    Hey. I'm new to this forum. I'm from Johannesburg South Africa. 18 years old. I have a 615 liter tank with 2 bgks (15cm and 20cm) and a pleco (25cm). Also some small community fish. I also have a 250 liter tank with a small bristle nose pleco and some black neons, danios and I just added some...
  9. Ari7667

    Lighting for a 450 gallon tank?

    My family and I have a 450 gallon 24" depth, 8' long, and 42" tall acrylic tank on the way. We are trying to get all the supplies before it gets here. Problem is we do not know much about fish tanks. My question is what kind of lighting would work with this tank. I saw a video of a guy who had...
  10. xDestro

    Doing planted tank right

    Well I'm gonna do the while bonsai tree scape in my 20 long so I'm gonna need some help. As of now I have a corner matter filter in the tank will this be okay? I would think so and if i decide to go with shrimp i would also think they would benefit off it as well. What substrate? I want a...
  11. xDestro

    First planted plans *gonna need major help*

    So iv decided I want to do a aquascape on my 55 completely changing it, I really like the simple look of a carpet and dragon stone. My question is what plant is best for this? I need something that is basically beginner friendly since this will be my first live plants in a tank. Also I can't...
  12. xDestro

    Jaguar vs gulper catfish

    I'm wanting to redo my 55, I was thinking about completely starting over and doing my first planted tank (lightly planted) and was debating on either 1 gulper catfish or get a jaguar catfish and maybe an acara and firemouth so what do you think? Also have any of you ever ordered from...
  13. xDestro

    Random cory deaths?

    Over the past 2 weeks iv lost 3 juli corys, my water perameters are perfectly fine, keeping up with water changes, all other fish are doing great so any ideas? Maybe it's time to clean my filter? Maybe they get scrapes from my gravel? ( ik I should have sand with corys newbie mistake) ik fish...
  14. xDestro

    Sump question

    What's the advantages to having a sump over just running a canister filter or 2 on larger 100+ tanks? I would love a 150 but sumps are way outa my knowledge range.
  15. xDestro


    I noticed a few days ago my zig zag eel had a bit of discoloration on him, then today I did a water change and noticed 1 of my clown loaches and a few ruby red barbs have like very small bubble like thing throughout their body, is this ich? If so what is the best way to treat it and how...
  16. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  17. xDestro

    Pearl gourami just kinda died

    My pearl gourami died today and I'm not really sure why, water was all normal except maybe the nitrate was a bit high around 40ppm. Temp was same, I was a couple days late on a water change but I wouldn't think that would make a huge difference, I did have a power outage tho for maybe 30 min so...
  18. xDestro

    Shimming tank problem

    I got my 75 setup with 100lbs of sand, around 20 lbs of driftwood and filled it up and the water level is about a quarter inch difference from each side length wise, I spent 20 min banging shims in on the high side and it doesn't seem to be doing much, the shims are thick enough and I have...
  19. xDestro

    Shimming a tank level?

    I have my 75 in place where I want it but it's not level length wise, do I literally just stick your average wood shim to make it level? And sticking a shim on one end wouldn't that make the middle loose contact with the floor?
  20. xDestro

    Aggressive gourami help?!

    I picked up a female opaline gourami a few weeks ago and it's a bit agressive, iv seen it chase some of my other fish and I believe it took a chunk out of my platies tail. I really like the gourami I think it's a good center piece fish but I don't want aggression in the tank. Can I do anything...