nuchal hump

  1. R

    Barred Red Devil Nuchal Hump Shrinking?

    I have a single barred red devil cichlid housed in a 110 gallon aquarium. As seen in the first photo, taken when I got the fish 6 months ago, it has a rather large nuchal hump. The second picture is the same exact fish 6 months later: it has massively improved colors and has grown around 2...
  2. Cichlids keeper

    Carpintis Nuchal Hump

    Can carpintis get a large Nuchal Hump?If so does anyone have a pic of one with a large Nuchal Hump, or at least one with the largest Nuchal Hump you've seen?
  3. Cichlids keeper

    Angelfish Mirror trick

    Can a mirror be used to draw out a Nuchal Hump from a male angelfish? I was wondering because it works for Flowerhorns so I just wanted to know.
  4. Cichlids keeper

    Short Body Red Texas Nuchal Hump?

    I like short body RT but I don't like how their head slopes down like this one Is it possible for me to get my male and female RT to have Nuchal Humps so they don't look like that? And would it be possible for them to have Nuchal Humps without grooming? I'm hoping to get them to look like this.
  5. Cichlids keeper

    Discus Nuchal Hump: Is it possible?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but has anyone ever heard of discus getting nuchal humps? I know it sounds weird because of the shape of discus but I'm curious so I just wanted to know.
  6. Cichlids keeper

    Do Jaguar Cichlids get Nuchal humps?

    As I said above do Jags get Nuchal humps similar to Dovii?
  7. Cichlids keeper

    Thai Green Texas-Mirror

    If I put a mirror in with a Thai Green Texas every once in a while, will it help it's nuchal hump grow?
  8. O

    Flowerhorn best diet

    Hello i just started keeping flowerhorns to grow and resell and train them in the meantime. A lot of people who keep flowerhorns advise me to feed a high protein diet but I'm reluctant to because I've heard high protein diets are bad for them? In order to resell them for a higher price though I...