omega one

  1. B

    Are pellets cooked or raw? (eg: Massivore, NLS, Omega One)

    Does anyone know if these pellets are cooked or contain cooked ingredients? or go through a heating process?
  2. B

    Are pellets cooked or raw? (eg. massivore, NLS, Omega One)

    Just wondering if anyone knows if these pellets are cooked, or contain cooked ingredients? or go through a heat process? if so, how do you know? The reason I ask is because thiaminase found in shrimp and herring is destroyed by heat. Omega One contains whole shrimp but does not have Vitamin B1...
  3. administrator

    My Jar's favorite pellet food.

    As odd as it may sound, he loves Omega One Veggie Rounds. He is very picky. You name it and I have probably tried it, NLS, Hikari, other Omega One foods, various freeze dried products, Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food, Kensfish food and the list goes on and on. This food was never intended for...