oscar behaviour

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. D

    Kribensis with Oscars

    I have two Oscar fish one about 5-6” and one about 4” as well as two green turquoise Severums, a Chocolate and 4 Geophagus Sveni in a tank with a single male Kribensis. I am totally baffled that the Kribensis dominates the tank. The largest Oscar runs most of the tank but even he swims from the...
  2. T

    Fake plants and other modes of LOS

    I have a 150 with a 14 inch aro 6 inch Oscar and 2 parrots. I used to have two other blood parrot however my Oscar is the main aggressor in the tank. It used to bully my Arowana and would hip his fins and tear them however my Arowana grew some balls and the Oscar doesn’t try him anymore. My two...
  3. R

    PLEASE HELP (Oscar fish weird behavior)

    Hello everyone, please only respond if you have experience on the matter, thank you for your time tank set up size: 180 gallons fish: 1 Adult Oscar fish, 7 silver dollars, 1 Adult pleco, 1 Adult bichir water parameters: PH 7.1, Ammonia 0ppm, NO2 0ppm, NO3 0ppm filtration system: UV filtration...
  4. U

    Oscars- trying to pick fights or just asserting dominance?

    Hi this is my first post on this website and I’m posting because I want to keep my fish safe. I have 4 oscars (2 6inch and 2 3inch), 2 severums, and 2 common plecos in a 125 gallon. The 2 6inch oscars grew up together in the 55 until my black tiger started picking on the albino pretty bad to...
  5. B

    Oscar behaviour/stocking?

    Hello, was hoping to get a discussion going on what people recommend for Oscar stocking and how it effects personality. I'm looking in to setting up a 240g(96x24x25") in the near future and can't decide on how many Oscars I should get. I've had one in the past and he was the only thing living in...