oscar breeding behavior

  1. E

    Do the males vibrate or do the females?

    I have 2 beautiful Oscar fish, and im curious about their behavior. I'm wondering if it's the males who vibrate and is it the females who clear away the tank media for a nesting place? Or is it the other way around? Or maybe both?
  2. D


    MAIN QUESTION BEFROE YOU READ THE DETAILS: HOW LONG AFTER CLEARING A NEST DOES IT TAKE FOR THEM TO BREED? so 2 of my red heads have paired off and have made what seems to me to be their choice for a nest, there is long flat rocks to lay on, and is surrounded on one side (facing the center of...
  3. Rapaz

    Promoting Oscar breeding

    Thought this may be interesting to some. I purchased a peacock bass over the weekend and he is doing great. I added just a couple of feeders to distract the oscars of the new comer and to give the peacock some confidence. (I hardly ever give them feeders) I also warmed the water up from 75 to 80...
  4. Jexnell

    Toni and Nemo my albino Oscar's

    In this thread I am going to be posting updates on the development of my pair of Oscars. So I started a community tank of cichlid juveniles. My 14 year old son is the one that actually picked Toni and named it. This is the first pic i got of her. She was about 1.5in long. And as all Oscars do...
  5. Aquatank

    Oscar "Species SpotLight"

    Do you guys love Oscar! I love them so you will love them as well So here is the thread on how to properly care for your loved ones Overview Oscar fish belongs to cichlid family and are known by scientific name Astronotus ocellatus. They thrive best in their natural habitat which is located...
  6. Aquatank

    New Oscar breed ?

    Guys in your opinion can we make a new breed of Oscars from selective breeding of them, Guys let me know you ideas and I some are suitable then let's give it a try. Is that legal to creat a new strain of cichlid at your fishroom or do you need some kind of permits
  7. LunarValkyrie

    Oscar breeding behavior??

    I have 3 oscars that have grown up together since they were tiny. Two are normal reds and one is an albino red. The largest (normal) and is about 8" tip to tip. The Albino is next at about 6 1/2" and the smallest is another normal at about 5". I know there are very few signs of sexing in them...