oscar care

  1. C

    Oscar Pair tank size

    I am looking to get a pair of Oscars for my soon to be built studio. I am wondering if a tank with the dimensions of 4.9 ft x 1.8 ft x 1.6 ft tall. The volume would be 109ish gallons. Sorry, I understand how these dimensions are kinda weird but I'm used to working in the metric system lol. I...
  2. A

    Oscar Swollen Stomach

    Hi All, I have 3 Oscar fishes of about 10" long in my 5 feet tank. Around 3 weeks back I have noticed one of the oscar's stomach was swollen slightly, initially i thought that was normal but the swelling has been increasing since then. The fish is not active as before, but to my surprise it is...
  3. Zak03

    Sexing Oscar Cichlids

    I have two Oscar Cichlids. One Tiger and one Red. They're both about 2.5" inches long. How do I sex them.
  4. O

    Help! Oscar with HITH.

    I have a 1+ year old Oscar and I’ve always taken good care of him and his tank with water changes weekly if not twice a week. Recently I noticed some pitting going on on the top of his head and around his nose as seen in the pictures. Over the past two weeks I have changed his diet to include...
  5. Kingster

    Too much for 120 South America?

    Hi, I am looking to stock my 120 into a South American tank, with abit of plants and wood. the sump is trigger systems crystal sump 36 READ THIS: I plan to keep all the fish from fry or small size and not have to upgrade to keep them after they grow up! STOCKING IDEA: 5 x Pictus Catfish -...
  6. RubyRuby234

    Ruby and Opal

    This is just a place to bask in the awe and glory that is my Ruby and Opal. P.s it is not recommended to stare for more that 10 seconds at the images of perfection for fear of spontaneous combustion or sudden blindness.
  7. Jexnell

    How many Oscar's in a 125?

    I am finding a mess of 125gal 6f length 18in width 20in height tanks on Craigslist for 300ish. Would that be a good forever home for a single Oscar? Two Oscars? Or not a forever home for an Oscar, and look for bigger?
  8. O

    3.5'x3.5'x11' tank? HELP

    I am fairly new to fish keeping, but I got myself into a predicament... About two months ago my therapist recommended I get fish to help me focus on something other than myself. Well, my mom came with me to pick out the fish and she saw two baby oscars. I didn't want them at first because I saw...
  9. Aquatank

    Oscar "Species SpotLight"

    Do you guys love Oscar! I love them so you will love them as well So here is the thread on how to properly care for your loved ones Overview Oscar fish belongs to cichlid family and are known by scientific name Astronotus ocellatus. They thrive best in their natural habitat which is located...