oscar cichlids tank

  1. Zak03

    Natural Plants in the Oscar Tank

    So, im using big natural rocks as decor in my tank. i washed them thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide, and then rinsed them and dried them before placing them in the tank. I've been using them for a few weeks now and i havent had any problems. But there is one thing. Moss started to grow two of...
  2. RubyRuby234

    Ruby and Opal

    This is just a place to bask in the awe and glory that is my Ruby and Opal. P.s it is not recommended to stare for more that 10 seconds at the images of perfection for fear of spontaneous combustion or sudden blindness.
  3. O

    3.5'x3.5'x11' tank? HELP

    I am fairly new to fish keeping, but I got myself into a predicament... About two months ago my therapist recommended I get fish to help me focus on something other than myself. Well, my mom came with me to pick out the fish and she saw two baby oscars. I didn't want them at first because I saw...
  4. Aquatank

    Needed Help for Oscar !

    Hey guys recently I had went for a trip to the ball for about 2 weeks an for that time I left the fish tank to be taken care by my Cousin Sister and when I reached home I saw that my big tiger O's has got little bit of swollen top eye I guess that he and my FH had got into some fight. So guys...
  5. Aquatank

    Oscar "Species SpotLight"

    Do you guys love Oscar! I love them so you will love them as well So here is the thread on how to properly care for your loved ones Overview Oscar fish belongs to cichlid family and are known by scientific name Astronotus ocellatus. They thrive best in their natural habitat which is located...
  6. R

    Severum bullying

    Hey guys I have two gold severum & two juvenile oscar in my tank but recently one of my male severum bullying other fish . This severum always try to push my other severum behind the river rock in my tank and dint let her out (actually i dont know its male or female) like he try her not to...
  7. O

    New Tank Help

    Around the start of term my dad brought back to life my 55 gal square tank, and he got these two beautiful Oscar babies, two Green terror babies, a red tailed shark, and an albino pleco... Not realizing how big they all get. Long story short I'm going to build a new tank that's much bigger for...
  8. S

    New oscar tank

    Hi looking for some advice on keeping two Oscar's with minimal aggression. I was going to get one but would like to get both lutino and normal tiger.
  9. Aqua Nut

    Growing Monster Oscars | Monster Fish Keeping 101 | How to Care for Oscar Cichlids

    Today we discuss how to grow huge, monster Oscars. They are a South American Cichlid that is often abused. We will give you guidance, tips and advice from knowledgeable dedicated Oscar cichlid keepers on how to have your Oscar thrive. We go over appropriate and minimum tank size for an Oscar...
  10. Aqua Nut

    Fish Room Tour 2016 | SA CA Cichlids

    Join us as we visit the fishroom of a monster fish keeper. This fish room tour features over 9 different aquariums. We are guided through this monster fish room tour of a true monster fish keeper. Dave shows off his amazing collection of gorgeous, huge South American cichlids and Central...