
  1. Sarahmander

    Did I Overfeed My Bichir?

    I have a juvenile Senegal Bichir (about 4in) that I have had less than a month. I have him in a 45gal tank with a Delhezi bichir of the same size. I was having trouble getting my Del to eat, and my Sen would end up eating his food AND half of hers. Now his back half is floating up awkwardly and...
  2. K

    Intentional Overfeeding?

    Hello, I'm new to the group, but I have a theoretical question for you. If your stocking is low, would it ever be good to intentionally overfeed? Example: You started a tank and did a fishless cycle using ammonia. You would dose up to 4 ppm and the next day NH3 and NO2 would be zero. Then...
  3. B

    Multiple bulges on stomach after eating?

    Is this normal or a sign of overfeeding? It disappears after they poo a day later or so. I'm not sure if the "stomach bulge" while feeding is an overall swelling of the body that already happened before the multiple bulges happen?