
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AnomalocarisAquatics

    Iridescent shark tank size?

    I'm looking to get a ~2300gal pond. Today I went to my local grocery store. At the seafood section, they had pretty large iridescent sharks on sale - about 10 inches for the smallest and 12 inches for the biggest. They sell them so you can cook them, but for 2 dollars, I instead want to keep...
  2. P

    For Sale 10 inch Paroon Sharks

    Gorgeous high fin Paroon sharks. Around 10 inches currently with nice streamers. 3 available. 200 each or 500 for all 3.
  3. hproxy07

    What is this on my pangasius?

    I recently did a 70% water change and noticed this white film on my pangasius, like it's shedding skin. Is this normal?
  4. P

    Want to Buy Paroon shark

    Looking for some paroon sharks in the NYC/New England area. Willing to drive and pay good money for the right specimens.
  5. P

    Want to Buy Paroon Sharks in NYC

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some paroon sharks in the NYC/New England area, preferably juveniles but I won't be picky. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I'm totally willing to make a drive for these guys but they seem impossible to find nowadays. Thanks in advance!
  6. mattybecks

    Outdoor pond with rescuse fish, summer heat.

    I realized in my last video about the Dubai LFS, I totally forgot to include one store - Dubai Garden Centre. They have a small aquatic section, very standard and not really worth making a video about - but they also have an outdoor pond where they take fish and terrapins that people can no...