parachromis motaguense

  1. A

    RTM Cichlid with poly. Delhezi and JD

    I currently have one delhezi and JD in a 55. Both are juvies and my fish store just got some RTMs in. Would it be worth a shot to try ONE juvie RTM??
  2. Twonvito

    For Sale  Parachromis Red Tiger Mota Male

    Up for sale a male red tiger mota 8"
  3. Twonvito

    Parachromis motas First spawn

    my first spawn out of my young RTM pair.. surely won't be the last I hope. The eggs are inside of the alligator skull.
  4. Twonvito

    Woohoo! Red tiger Motas pair up

    I am excited that my Red tiger Motas have paired up and took half the tank up.. seems the male picked the best lady lol
  5. Americancichlids

    Motaguense thread

    Post your Motas!!!! Anyways here is my Lil guy I'm pretty sure its a male. Quite the attitude but the color is kinda drab. When do these guys start to really color? Here is his growth from maybe a month