
  1. S

    Royal Pleco, soft water.

    Hey Pleco experts! I’m in the frustratingly common process of rearranging/scaping/stocking my whole fish room for around the 300th time in the last couple of months since buying a new house and massively increasing my gallonage. In the midst of all the moving and shaking I realized that I...
  2. Cabinetman 1

    Need Advice: Sudden Ammonia Spike

    I just checked water parameters on both my 120 gallon tank with 6 Red Hook Silver dollars and 220 gallon with two peacock bass. The ammonia on the 120g is at 1ppm, nitrites are at 0mgl and the nitrates are at 25mgl. The pH has also dropped from 6-6.5 to 4-4.5. The tank has been established...
  3. S

    GSP water parameters

    I've had my puffers for about a week now. I just moved them into their own 40 gallon tank three days ago. I went to my local petco yesterday and get the saltwater api kits for nitrate and ammonia levels. I couldn't get the others because they were out. Anyways I've checked my levels for the two...