pea puffer

  1. xenacanth9

    I'm concerned.

    In the past year or so, it seems like my local PetCos have grown a lot more ambitious. If you go to any of the PetCos within a 30 minute radius of where I live, chances are you'll find at LEAST one, and very possibly multiple of the following: Exodons, bumblebee gobies, pea puffer, wrestling...
  2. S

    Need recommendations

    I'm setting up a 20long that will have a big piece of driftwood in the middle and a few live plants. I need help with a stock list. Here's what I got so far 1x L200 pleco(preferably need him in there) 3x otos 1x dwarf Mexican crayfish 10-20x RCS 4x panda corys I feel like I'm missing a middle/...