#peacockbass #growth

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    Mono peacock bass loses color daily

    I have 2 mono peacock bass Every day the larger one loses all of his color almost completely black while he chases his tank mates around . When he’s done he slowly starts to get his color back ! this has been happening every day or 2 for about 3 months now . I’ve tried different tanks , water...
  2. A

    Peacock bass

    I have few peacock bass babies around 2 inch .. I can’t find blood worms or brine shrimps . How long can these jouvenile stay without food ? Thanks!
  3. Miks786

    Peacock Bass Growth rate?

    Hey guys im looking to get 2 peacock bass, not sure on the ID yet as they are still small.. What's the growth rate of peacock bass? and best things to feed them for growth? Would like to get them to about 5 inches to add to my big tank