
  1. J

    75 gallon predator stocking

    hi i am looking for ideas for a predator (mostly piscivores) tank that I am starting it is 75 gallons and I am hoping to have a few plants and then driftwood, rocks, etc... preferably I would want to have a few different fish with different hunting techniques. As oppose to just one fish like an...
  2. Cichlomaniac

    Wanting a true Piscivore

    All, is there a fish I can buy that is a true piscivor that will not get over 4 inches +/- an inch is fine also it needs to get along with my current cichlids. 1. Jack 1. Salvini 2. Convicts, (breeding pair) The reason in want it is for clean up of baby convicts. I have a EHEIM vacuum filter I...