Hello everyone
I have planted one of my aquariums with the umbrella hair grass(it's different from hairgrass ie. It gets taller and has seeds at end of its blades that grow into hairgrass)
It so happned that my aquarium is facing a window from one side and the plants on that side have grown...
Hey guys!
Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying this hobby. A few months back I posted a pic of the beginning of my planted aquarium journey and here are some updates to show the growth of plants! Inside this tank I have a polypterus lapradei and 10 angelfish. I know the stocking is def too...
Hey -
My family is looking for a high quality tank decorator/designer to turn our 180gal into a planted discus tank with nice rocks and wood, great lighting etc as a showpiece. Can you guys recommend a company/person in LA to help with this? Have no experience with planted tanks and am not...
I found out early this morning that my Uncle passed away... He was one of the biggest influences in getting me into the hobby... Jimmy had been a professional breeder of several types of fish for over 50 years, but by far and away, his favorite fish has always been the Oscar. In the years before...
Hello everyone,
I'm, looking to add a species of Anubias to my 125 gallon setup, I'm thinking of going with Anubias Nana, whats everyone's favorite type of Anubias or suggestion ?