Look for new home for these exotic gar, just planning ahead as they grow bigger.
Accepting trades/offer pick up in NJ
A Grade Snow white Gar 23-24” 3000$
Albino gar 23-24” 2000$
Platinum Gar 15-17” 1500$
Posting this for a friend. He has a 9-10 inch platinum alligator gar. Has a broken back that’s healing from a couple months back. $400 shipped or $350 pickup in Garfield NJ. If you got yourself a big enough tank and want a beautiful rare expensive fish for much below market value pm me for...
Hi, so I have a temperary grow out 450 gallon tank in my garage currently with a super growing platinum alligator gar that is already past 2 feet. he shares the tank (kids pool, so good width and length. He isn't in a glass aquarium) with an arapaima, pacu, and bichir. He isnt aggressive at...