I've fallen out of the hobby a little bit and can't remember everything off the top of my head anymore- does this look like an incoming tank-wide illness or some roughhousing ? I'll be taking a bit of water in for a check tomorrow.
The first photo is of the smallest bichir that is prone to some...
I have a 8-10 inch platinum endlichiri bichir I’m letting go, he is super healthy and eats everything from pellets to shrimp! Can hit me up to discuss pricing if you truly interested they arnt your average specimen.
Hello all! I am new to MFK, so please excuse me if I post the wrong way or do something in the wrong manner, as I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to using this site. I created an account on here specifically for one single reason, and that is to hopefully find out what is wrong with...
Looking to sell my ornate poly. Had since 4”. Eats shrimp, tilapia, smelt, earthworms. Looking for pickup asap. Located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Pics available.