
  1. E

    210 Gallon Congo River Basin Biotope Stocking Questions

    Im purchasing a 210g here soon and I am going to be stocking with natives of the congo and I wouldn't mind some input from the community and people who have kept the species we will be discussing. So far I have a Ornate Bichir(Polypterus ornatipinnis), and a Senegal Bichir(Polypterus senegalus)...
  2. B

    Lump/Knot/Bump on Bichir’s back/topside

    Hello all! I am new to MFK, so please excuse me if I post the wrong way or do something in the wrong manner, as I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to using this site. I created an account on here specifically for one single reason, and that is to hopefully find out what is wrong with...