
  1. L

    How long can I keep them for?

    Hi, sorry about the super long post This year I rescued some bichirs that were going to be euthanized (because they were unwanted, had small bites on the fins, or other dumb reasons) and I have been meaning to sell and/or rehome them. I thought I would have sold them by now but have been too...
  2. C

    Common Price for Adult West African Lungfish?

    I was just wondering what the going price is for an adult West African Lungfish. They seem to be much cheaper as juveniles but I have not seen much on the price of adults.
  3. P

    Serrasmus Species

    Hello, I am thinking about getting a serrasalmus specimen, I have a 100 gallon tank and I was wondering, what are a few types of serrasalmus species that are pretty cheap and can live in a 100 gallon tank it's whole life. Please feel free to leave any information about the species if you can, I...
  4. jvc66

    Midwest Custom Aquarium Pricing

    Hi guys and gals, I posted last week in regards to where to find a stand for a 125 gallon aquarium which would be an upgrade from my 90 since I am moving and was initially going to just go for a glass tank. After a little bit of thought this weekend, I am really leaning toward the acrylic for...
  5. freshfishin727

    Would people be interested in juvenile bowfin?

    How rare are bowfin? What would they go for in price? Do people want them? Worth trying to sell?
  6. cherrybarb

    Which red arowana species is more beautiful and worth

    I have checked red arowana prices for little ones(4"-8")there's no big price gap and verymuch similar in color except tails and fin please list these arowanas form most worth/beautiful to down. Fire red arowana Asian Red Arowana Super Red Arowana Chili Red Arowana Malaysian red arowana
  7. koizilla714

    How much would a 6" Tiger shovelnose catfish cost in California

    Hi guys, just wondering if a 6" tiger shovelnose catfish for $18 is a fair price? Thank you in advance
  8. cherrybarb

    please let know the Qian Hu singapore arowana prices

    Please do anyone around Singapore could give price list on arowanas around 4"-6" in Quan Hu fish farms Singapore.I contact them via e mail but haven't received positive answer.