puffer fish

  1. J

    For Sale  Spiny box pufferfish for sale

    Selling my spiny box pufferfish, he’s super healthy and loves to eat let me know if interested! Can come pickup or can drop off as long as it’s not too far would be a little more to drop off the fish.
  2. Arowana.hw

    For Sale  Red bar fahaka puffer

    Selling red bar fahaka puffer, 6.5-7”
  3. Pufferkeeper

    For Sale  FEMALE CROSS RIVER PUFFER 10inches

    Female cross river puffer for sale she is about 10inches long. she was with my male In hopes of breeding them but I just don't have the time anymore for it. they got along fine, she has been socialized with other fish. so im selling her, 750 shipped anywhere in the USA.
  4. H


    My fahaka puffer is probably about 6 7 in size I've never seen them with ich before but yesterday after coming home from work I noticed he has little white specks all over him All the other fish in the tank seemed to be ich free. He is eating great still I raised the temp up to 80° and added...
  5. M

    For Sale  Fish for sale Inland Empire

    Hi, im located in The inland empire and im looking to sell or trade (preferably trade) my current stock please send me a text for the pictures :) 951-905-3584 14” Fahaka Puffer $200 10” SB SRD Male Flowerhorn $100 12” Albino Oscar $35 6.5” festae hybrid $20 6” Male Umbee $50 3” Red dovii $35 3”...
  6. T

    Pao Baileyi (Hairy Puffer)

    Hi all, Brand new to this forum, hope to meet some people who have extensive knowledge of keeping the Pao Baileyi. I have recently bought a baby Pao, and it is absolutely incredible, I say ‘it’ because I haven’t a clue about the gender.. But it’s personality is amazing. I have took a little look...
  7. R

    For Sale  Moving sale- Pick up only Hagerstown MD 21740

    **SOLD** 360 gallon (8’x38”x25”)Aquarium w stand and canopy- GLASS $2,000 Wolf fish- black, mala (many avail, several sizes) Tigrinus- 5-8” $175-$200 Jardini- Giant $200 **SOLD**Odoe pikes- 6”/14” Red pike- 8”/12” $75 Payara-5”/8”. $125 Bichirs- 4”-20”+ Several of each (laps, endlis, ansorgii...
  8. T

    For Sale  Mbu puffer 2” and 3”

    My dumbass try to keep 2 mbus together … :ROFL::ROFL::banhim: so yea that didn’t work out lol little 2”going for $300 3” going for $350
  9. M

    For Sale  Massive MBU puffer fish 20"

    Need gone asap. Only 200 for him. 20" and very personable. For more photos go to @Martinfishkeepers on instagram.Only selling because i want my tank to go only south american. My zipcode is 89179. To better reach me email me at randymartin326@gmail.com and no I cannot do shipping
  10. S

    For Sale  2 Fahaka Puffers 4in $60ea

    Hello everyone I still have two fahaka puffers for sale I’m moving and really need to find a home for them. ASAP
  11. S

    For Sale  6in MBU

  12. xenacanth9

    Weird Figure 8 Puffer phenomenon

    @Deadeye brought this to my attention, and I can't unthink it. Ever noticed how F8s almost always look either like this: Or this?: I've always found it sort of odd. They definitely are two distinct patterns, and even different body shapes. Do any of you know if this has anything to do with...
  13. S

    Tetraodon Dubiosi arrived...

    Dear all, After waiting for almost a century, I've picked up a very beautiful Tetraodon Duboisi yesterday. Attached please find a few pictures of the Duboisi, but the pictures don't justice since the fish looks even more beautiful in real life. I would be very glad to start the exchange with...
  14. A

    Want to Buy  WTB: MBU Puffer

    Hi Everyone, I am looking to purchase a MBU puffer for my new 400 gal tank. Please contact me if you know of anyone. I currently live in Miami, Florida. All the best, Alex
  15. K

    For Sale  Fahaka puffer 3-4 “

    Fahaka puffer fish 3/4 inch up for sale located in Los Angeles ca willing to drive to deliver 6264261241
  16. m_sol

    New Fahaka Puffer

    Hey MFK, I just have a few questions on my Fahaka. Is it possible to grow him out to 4 inch in a 10 before he goes in my 75? Also, he loves to get stuffed off of blood worms but he hasn't picked at any of the ramshorn snails I added with him.
  17. P

    MBU puffer has an ulcer-like sore on his cheek?

    Hi guys! The MBU puffer is about 2 years old. He has grown big in his 65 gallon tank. He lives with a dinosaur bichir and a Jack Dempsey. He will be relocated to a bigger tank soon, although his tank mates are peaceful with each other. pH is 7.4, ammonia and nitrites - 0, nitrates are 5-10. The...
  18. C

    Found this on my Mbu Puffer

    His display tank is 270 gal with a 180 sump. No other fish in tank. He's about 12-14 inches at the moment. 78F water temp. 5ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite. Was doing a water change and found this thing on his back. I don't want to just throw medicine in the tank and hope for the best...
  19. C

    For Sale  Mekong Puffer fish

    Freshwater Mekong puffer fish About 8 inches long GREAT EATER big personality Open to price negotiations