
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. piffpuffer

    Help! Figure 8 puffer pacing and not eating

    I just got one F8 puffer as my first puffer, still juvenile, around 2cm in size. I've just gotten a 10 gallon for him so the water hasn't been cycled yet, since it's new. There's aragonite sand as substrate, a heater that maintains the temperature at 24-26C and I've done water conditioning and...
  2. Aqua626

    Want to Buy MBU Pufferfish

    Looking for a MBuna Puffer for cheap. Anything over 6". Email me @ worldwarcold@gmail.com with pictures and prices. Thank you.
  3. D

    For Sale Mbu pufferfish 3-4inch

    4 inch pufferfish for sale 300 obo super healthy and has a very personable personality selling because my other mbu doesn’t get along with it
  4. xenacanth9

    Calling all puffer keepers

    I've said this before, but I am in the conceptual stages of a book about aquarium pufferfish. I've kind of been postponing this, but I want to get to business soon. Please send any pictures you have of your freshwater or brackish puffers, and I will use them if I have your permission. I have a...
  5. neko1

    Help with setting up a tank.

    So i got 6 tanks right now and I need to move out my parents house..... Bassicly i need to rehome a lot of fish. But if its possible i would like to keep most. :) I have had most animals for more then 6 years or even longer. So what i have right now: -polypterus ornitapinus. (1x) -polypterus...
  6. AquaScape

    Update and 05/13/20 stock-list!

    First and foremost we hope everyone is doing okay amongst the pandemic and staying safe as well as family and friends. I apologize for any recent latency in regards to customer contact as we have been dealing with the pandemic as well and making sure our families are safe too as we do have...
  7. Tom the bomb

    (saltwater? I dunno if i should post here.) Lionfish compatibility and other questions

    I'm setting up a Red Sea Reefer Deluxe XXL 750 (200-gallons) and I'm planning to put a clearfin lionfish as the main fish. I was originally thinking of Niger triggerfish since they were the least aggressive of the triggerfish but after browsing through some forums, they often said that...
  8. AquaScape

    Stock-List 12/5/19

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1" $9.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo .75”-1” $12.00 Ea. Or 10/$100.oo(WC Peru) 4”-5” $65.oo Ea. 6”-7” $125.oo Ea. Caribe (Pygocentrus notatus) 3”-4” $50.oo Ea. 4”-5” $85.oo Ea. Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 3”-4” $150.oo Ea. 4”-5” $200.oo Ea. Black...
  9. AquaScape

    Monster Fish! Golden Dorado, Goonch Cats & MORE!

    Goonch Catfish(Bagarius yarrelli) 3"-4" $65.oo Ea. 7” $200.oo Ea. Golden Dorado(Salminus brasiliensis) 2”-3” $65.oo Ea. Redtail Barracuda(Acestrorhynchus falcatus) 6”...
  10. AquaScape

    4/18/19 Stocklist!!! & More to come!! ***10% OFF MFK CALL IN SPECIAL!!!!***

    We wanted to thank all of our MFK members who have supported us as well as supported MFK all these years buy giving you guys something in return. So thank you guys!!! We will be getting in some more stock in the next two weeks including catfish, oddballs, some more piranha species as well as...
  11. AquaScape

    NEW STOCK! Africa & More

    15"-18" Fire Eel SHOW SIZE $225 6"-8" Silver Arowana - $85 6"-8" Ropefish - $20 6" Elephant Nose - $35 6" Indo-Pacific Tarpon - $85 5"-6"...
  12. Miks786

    Fahaka Puffer Fry

    Hey guys im looking at getting 2 baby Fahaka, they are about 1 inch each What would be possible tank mates once they get bigger? What are the growth rate on these and best diet for growth?
  13. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Flowerhorn and humpback pufferfish?

    I already have a 4.5inch male flowerhorn,aggressive but not too aggressive wondering do you think a humpback pufferfish of similar size would work with him, I'm not concerned about the puffer it's the flowerhorn I'm more concerned with so what are humpback puffers like with fish bigger than them
  14. Manas

    Pufferfish not eating

    I bought 4 Amazon PUFFER-FISH, all low down at the bottom like dead. After a few hours they moved around a bit and then lied down. I have snails in the tank and some guppies. They are not eating anything .I tried frozen tubiflex worms, they didn't eat them. Also they are very shy. When They see...