
  1. LBDave

    What did you think of the superbowl?

    Patriots coach is best coach in NFL? Rams choked? Wade Phillips did a great job? Most boring superbowl ever? Rams will return next year? Patriots will return next year? Drew Brees & company would have beat the Patriots?
  2. gregkarr09

    My Angelfish Set Up

    Hey Everyone, just wanted to post a few different pics of my angelfish tank and my fry nursery, what do ya'll think? This is the breeding pair
  3. Mbielek

    Dwarf Hairgrass experiment in Ram Cichlid tank

    What's up fish people, so we've all dreamed of an amazing carpeting plant to be successful in our tanks, and this is my second try at dwarf hairgrass. My first attempt was in my own 75 gallon freshwater community. After a few days, my silver dollars absolutely tore it all out and I could not...
  4. Mvrenko

    White specs

    Hello, I recently added 2 angel rams into my tank. I noticed that both of them have developed very small white specs. Should I be concerned for my other fish? What are these white specs? Thanks!
  5. Mvrenko

    Ram tank-over crowding

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon ram tank with 3 angle ram (about 1 inch), 3 German blues (1/2 inch) and 1 Bolivian (about 3/4 inch). They are all fairly young rams. I am curious to know if I'm over crowding the tank. Just looking for some information. I have about 2 pairs in the tank as of right now...
  6. Mvrenko

    Ram Cichlid

    Hello, I am new to MFK. I have a general question about a ram tank that I currently have in the works. I have a 20 gallon, minimally decorated with a rock and fake plants. I also have a bubble wall. I was wondering how many dwarf rams would be suitable for this tank. Also if anyone has any...
  7. Sublime cichlids Mike

    After lurking for many years... figured I'd join

    Hey everyone, I'm mike. Just thought id say hi. Had some time today so joined and all. Longtime central pa fish keeper. Fishroom with 20 tanks in basment, overhead air, insulated heated, ro. Few what yall call show tanks here upstairs. Planted high tech 90, 120 peacock hap, ca tank...
  8. Covetous

    Best dwarf cichlid pair for a 20L

    Well, I found a 20 long today by the dumpster at my apts and lo and behold it holds water! Ha not sure I need another tank. But what the hell I've always wanted a pair of dwarf cichlids so I'll take it as a sign. I know a 20L isn't much tank but I've seen plenty of dwarf species kept in them...