rare fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    For Sale capapretum catfish

    capapretum catfish 25” long for sale eats anything pick up only price solid $450 347-334-2278
  2. xenacanth9

    What IS this thing???

    Saw this fish on https://www.ornamentalfish.com.tw/product/taiwan-river-fish-export/ No idea what it is. Apparently native to Taiwan. Please help ID. Freshwater.
  3. xenacanth9

    xenacanth9's Fish of the Day

    Hello, and welcome to my thread, where each day, I will post a profile on a different rare/underappreciated freshwater fish, anywhere from nano to monster, as well as a website where you can buy them, when available, every day. I can't make any promises, but I plan on updating this thread once...
  4. xenacanth9

    Anyone keep stargazers?

    https://www.thatpetplace.com/Stargazer-Astroscopus-216703 This is the stargazer, found in the Atlantic ocean. Do these make good monster fish? Now, I can't imagine they would be the most riveting fish to keep, but they are certainly very unique compared to a lot of the more common ones...
  5. xenacanth9

    Underrated Gobies and Where to Find Them

    Serving a spiritual successor to my thread on eels, the continuation of said thread, and most recently, my thread on puffers which are often overlooked, this thread discusses a number of freshwater gobies that are not as appreciated in the hobby as I feel they deserve to be. This list does NOT...
  6. xenacanth9

    Underrated Eels and Where to Find Them - PART II

    I posted this thread on a couple of cool Anguilla ("true" eel) species that are underappreciated in aquariums about a month ago. Well, here is a continuation. Please note that this thread does not include spiny eels, swamp eels, or any other fish that is commonly sold as an eel without actual...
  7. amazontank

    For Sale L397 Tiger Pleco babies

    I have a bunch of L397 tiger plecos gonna be growing them out a few weeks! Pick up at lfs in Miami! I can also have my bro ship. Looking to sell 6 for $350! I have some large black ghost knifes also for $100 each! If anyone in Miami wants to help me clean and organize a few large boxes...
  8. BillyMaysChickenWings


    I am very interested in a Longsnout Lancetfish. If anyone knows how to obtain a live specimen (around Richmond, Virginia) please inform me. I am told Skoolz Of Fish can get most any (legal) creature, but I'm not betting on that, considering the fish in question.
  9. T

    For Sale Golden Chinese Wels Catfish

    open to offers 22-24” Located in central Kentucky willing to meet depending on distance If your interested text me @859-421-4524
  10. Blakewater

    What Would You Guys Like To See For Sale?

    Hey guys! Over the past few months I've considered starting up my "fish shop" business. Recently I've begun taking the plunge. Getting my permits, licenses, connecting with importers/wholesalers, etc. I began wanting to jump in when I saw there were so many vendors who would exaggerate their...
  11. Blakewater

    Good Sites To Order Rare PBass?

    Just wondering if any of you guys know of any good importers of rare peacock bass? I already know of Fugu, Ebays sellers, Aquascapeonline, and Aquabid but I have yet to see certain species outside of the normal 5 or 6. Species Im particularly interested in are Pinima, Jariina, and Nigromaculata.
  12. R

    panda arowana

    My new rare breed panda arowana
  13. BIG-G

    Equatorial Festae? and other rare fish

    I stumbled upon this video and in it a fish breeder shows some very interesting and beautiful fish. Starting around the 20 minute mark he mentions a small breed of Festae he calls Equatorial Festae Anyone have any information of these? I personally have never heard of them. His claim is it’s a...
  14. Iamfish

    Unexpected catches

    Making this for people who want to share pictures/stories of unexpected catches. We have all had times when we have been fishing and we catch something that makes us go what, how did I catch this? Weather it be catching a largemouth bass on corn or pulling up something strange while using...
  15. N

    Suggestions for rare fish to buy

    Setting up a 300 gal which will house 3-4 SB datnoids, a platinum bichir, and a SB silver aro. What rare fish do you think I could add that would look cool? I like the look of platinum fish and am open to suggestions. Thanks!
  16. jonah h2o

    what is the best price you've ever seen on a fish?

    what is the best price you've seen, my LFS has tons of great prices http://www.petzonesd.com/l018-golden-nugget-pleco-large-spot/ I've seen an adult golden nugget for 250 at another store! just saying anyone looking for rare fish check pet zone out!! not advertising, but the first time I...
  17. jonah h2o

    nile perch

    http://exoticfishshop.net/product/nile-perch-2/ found this nile perch for sale, and I remembered that there was a ban on them coming into the us but if you already own its legal so