
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    For Sale FS: PU Thorichthys maculipinnis 6 inch 91335

    Hi I have this Red Head Thorichthys maculipinnis Adult for sale. Nothing wrong just looking to lighten my Bio load. Asking $60 obo located in 91335.
  2. cafeiguana

    My Asian Arowana

    One year eight months. In a 1000 gallon aquarium.
  3. F

    For Sale Female Red Tiger Mota RTM 91335 P/U

    Rehoming fee of $30 for female RTM good red color! Trade for some bushy nose plecos . In Reseda 91335 pick up only no shipping . Will try to get a pick tomorrow morning.
  4. Twonvito

    For Sale Parachromis Red Tiger Mota Male

    Up for sale a male red tiger mota 8"
  5. AquaScape

    Leichardti "Red Spot" Arowana!!

    Got in some AMAZING Red Spot Arowana (Scleropages leichardti) Limited quantity available These guys are currently at 2.5"-3" in length and are on sale for $125.oo
  6. koh the face stealer

    Red Zebra tankmates

    Hi all, I'm going to be trading a friend for a smaller tank soon and would like some stocking suggestions and such. I'll be trading one of my 60 gallons for a 45 gallon. The tank residents are two silver dollars and a red zebra cichlid. I already know the silvers need to go and mbunas...
  7. S

    Great Caribe Piranha video nice colors!

    :) Found this and it's a real good video and the guy has more there very clear and the caribe is very nice looking.
  8. jsoto2005

    Quick Newbie Question..

    New to the forum guys. Would love some frienldy advice on my new tank setup. Have had my 3" RD flowerhorn in a 70Ltr tank for a while. Cichlids are pretty hardy so never took too much notice of water parameters (i know.. i know..) Always did bi weekly water changes and checked my pH tho...
  9. K

    Red Garnet users

    Who has the hookup on Red Garnet Sand? I want some for my tanks, but only garnet I could find is a 30/60 grain which is pretty fine and very pale red, almost pinkish/purple. Where can I get some of the darker red, denser garnet from?
  10. J

    Identify this fish

    Bought it told it was a red terror. But not i have doubts
  11. Brittanirdh


    So I got my 125 gallon. Plan to move my EBJD, 1 angle, 3 Pictus cats, remaining long fin danios, and nerite snails to this tank once I get it up and running. The EBJD are obviously blue, and the angle is blue/silver/black/red/golden depending on its mood, danios are silver/yellow, Pictus silver...
  12. F

    New Stock April 19th 2016

    We have tons of fish came in recently. See below list. Please call in or message me on Facebook for any shipping quote. Please mention that you saw price list on Monsterfishkeepers. For pictures please go to our Facebook page. Or PM for more pics. Tiger Scats 3" $150 5" $250 NTT Datnoid 6"...
  13. G

    help: stingray has red mouth

    Hi guys, need some help. My stingray suddenly developed redness in its mouth and i see it opens its mouth widely when it climbs the glass or glides on water. It has been like this for a week now and it also stopped feeding. It is still quite active but probably because it is irritated /...
  14. T

    Solid red spots in fin?

    Hey everyone just got another question and I'm worrying about one of my fish I just moved so I had to move all of my fish but I also upgraded to a 120 gallon which is awesome, I can add some pictures if you'd like.. Tanks been up for about two weeks now I have been using safe start I transferred...
  15. redfish1

    How to grow my Red Snakehead fish fast?

    I have bought 2 Red Snakeheads from a local fish store. I keep them in a natural pond which is 2 meters in diameter and 15+ meters deep.I have 5 Catfishes,2 Giant Gouramis and 2 flying barbs with my new snakeheads.They are just 4 inches and I want to grow them as much as they are grown.I want to...